Shrinivas Mujumdar

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Recent posts by Shrinivas Mujumdar

I deleted all the class files rebuild the application and created new EJB jars and it worked. There was no special step I have performed compared to when I posted this issue.

It did work finally. Really surprising.

Thanks to all


I do have home interface on the client classpath.


I have successfully deployed Stateless Session Bean on OC4J.
I am trying to lookup the EJB through some Test code given below:

hostname, port number and JNDI name of EJB changed intentionally.

However I am getting following exception when I execute this code
at Object obj=ctx.lookup("OrderBean"); line

EJB deployment is successful and when i checked the log i could see that clearly. also JNDI name of EJB is correct and hostname and port number is correct and I could access that through code as well as telnet.

Could somebody please point out what is the issue with this.

[ July 31, 2008: Message edited by: Scott Selikoff ]

I want to write Thread Poolusing Java for some repititve task which is controlled through Job Scheduler.Job Scheduler will run after interval of 2 minutes.Can you please provide me few guidelines regarding how to write thread pool in Java.

My application will be deployed on Application Server and I am using JDK 1.4. I know there is a java.util.concurrent.Executors class which can be used for this. However, It's available in JDK 1.5 & not in 1.4

Hello Friends,

I could request for a read receipt by setting "Disposition-Notification-To" header value. I tested this with MS Outlook & It works.

code snippet will look like this:

msg.setHeader("Disposition-Notification-To", "[email protected]");

In general,
msg.setHeader("Disposition-Notification-To", "<<mail address where you want to receive read receipt>>");

[ April 28, 2008: Message edited by: Shrinivas Mujumdar ]
16 years ago

You can take an advantage of Polymorphism in this case.

Keeping your Left Hand Side of an expression generic, you have a flexibility of changing Right Hand Side to any type of list.

e.g. you can still say later on as per changes in requiement

List list=new Vector();

and still make use of all methods in List interface.

16 years ago
This seems to be a useful link for comparision:[email protected]/msg47038.html

Question is still open and anybody could contribute to this if there are few points not covered in this link.

16 years ago

I want to request a read receipt for the mail which I am sending through my application.

I am curious to know which valus i should set in a request header to achieve this.You need to set a message header.

Also, It will be really great help if somebody could point me to linkwhere I will get list of values we can set in message.setHeader(..)method & their significance.

Thanks in Advance,
[ April 24, 2008: Message edited by: Shrinivas Mujumdar ]
16 years ago

I am just cusrious to know that what are the differences between Tomahawk & trinidad libraries.

Is there any specific reason to choose one against other. Currently in my application, I have configured both libraries.

I am using Tomahawk for general component rendering (e.g. Combobox, textfield etc.) where as I am taking advantage of PPR (Partial Page Rendering)in Trinidad. In tomahawk PPR is not available and we need to use ajax4j library (tags starting with <a4j:> ) to achieve the PPR.

I just wantto know any additional differnces.

16 years ago
Yes It's working.I have tested this in my application & I could see mails with different priorities.

Thanks a Lot..

[ April 22, 2008: Message edited by: Shrinivas Mujumdar ]
16 years ago
Thanks Pat,

Could you please respond to other points as well. Obviously this holds true to other experts as well.

16 years ago

You might have the mail and activation classes in 2 different jars in the application classpath. There is a chance that both j2ee.jar and (mail.jar & activation.jar). The versions are different - it was using the javax.mail classes from j2ee.jar. So please do a search in all your jars for the file MailcapCommandMap.class and identify the wrong version.

Hope this helps...

16 years ago
Hello Friends,

We are planning to design an e-mail notification system with following requirement considerations:

1. Email notification will be event based e.g. Adddress Changs etc.

2. Certain events will have higher priority against other events in such a case mails for higher priority events should be sent first and for low or medeium pririty events should be sent later.

3. Bulk emails should be queued and then sent across to SMTP server. The load should be evenly balanced.

4.There should be a logging mechanism to track the status of emails sent (delivered, failure, bounced).basically we should get a status of mail(s)sent logging to file/database will not be an issue once we get status from SMTP Server.

5. Email notification should run as a common service that can be used by multiple applications.

6. The service should spawn a new thread for every event resulting into an email notification.

I have following queries regarding technical design related with above scenario

1. Does this design requires Job Scheduler to schedule mail sending activity at regular intervals. If yes can I use Timer related API in java.util package or there is any other alternative.

2. Is ir possible to expose this module as web service so that multiple applications can access this. Is it a good design that when multiple threads are spawned for each email notification request thread accesses this web service

3. How to get the status from SMTP server to know what is the status of the mail which was sent to it.

16 years ago
Thanks Ulf.

Just want to know whether these header values are specific to MS-Outlook or they remain the same across all the mail applications.

16 years ago