Parka Teoh

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since Aug 28, 2004
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Recent posts by Parka Teoh

Ok. Solved.

I declared it to be a String eariler up in the JSP page. That's why.
20 years ago
Below is the error.

insertOrder(int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,long) in limited.ProcessBean2 cannot be applied to (int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
processBean.insertOrder( uniqueOrderID, name, address, creditCardNumber);


In, there's a method accepting the parameters (int, String, String, long).

Does it mean that my ( uniqueOrderID, name, address, creditCardNumber) is actually (int, String, String, String)?
20 years ago

When I included the public infront of the empty constructor, it still couldn't work.

But when I deleted the constructor away, it's able to work again.

Oh my!! It works now!
20 years ago

I have the following tags in my JSP.

<jsp:useBean id="cart" scope="session" class="limited.CartBean" />
<jsp:useBean id="idBean" scope="page" class="limited.GetOrderIDBean" />
<jsp:useBean id="databean" scope="page" class="limited.InsertDataBean" />

Only the third failed to compiled.

Nothing's looking wrong.....or is there...

20 years ago
I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum.

Here's my problem...
I have a javaBean that writes stuff to the database to be saved.
It works fine when I use a testing Class to invoke the bean's method to write some dummy variables.

When I deployed it on a JSP page, I received the following error.

"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /checkout.jsp(4,0) The value for the useBean class attribute limited.InsertDataBean is invalid.

I should think my bean met the bean requirements. But I can't find out what's wrong. Any help would be really really really great..

Here's my insertDataBean code

20 years ago
Thanks guys!! Thanks a lot!!!
20 years ago
I have a class containing a private array. (as below)

How can I display all the items in another class by invoking the getMyArray() method?
20 years ago
Let's say I have a getter method.

What is the difference between a return and a return()?

[ October 19, 2004: Message edited by: Parka Teoh ]
20 years ago
Oh okay, solved. THanks to all who replied.

I had to instantiate Pack1 as an object inside Pack2.

Man, fundamentals.
20 years ago
Hey thanks a lot!!!

I have created a constructor to read the values into the array.

Another problem came up, though.

This file is in a package.

When I use another file to reference the array index myDouble[0] and print out using the command prompt, the result was 0.0, instead of the 21.2 I read it into the first file ( in this case)

Here's my other file called

20 years ago
I create the simplest array and it doesn't work...

Here's the java file with the array code

It gives me the following error message..

D:\webapp_proj2\WEB-INF\classes\limited\ ']' expected
myDouble[0] = 21.2;
D:\webapp_proj2\WEB-INF\classes\limited\ <identifier> expected
myDouble[0] = 21.2;

I'm lost.
20 years ago
I've tried System.out.println in the connection file too. And the queries were printed out correctly. I have 9 items, and all the 9 items were displayed.

But somehow when I run the other java file to reference the array from the connection file, it returns null.


20 years ago
I have an array in a jdbc class file.
But I can't reference it in another class file in the same package.

Here's my jdbc connection class code

and further down (in the same file )I have

in another file called, I tried to reference the array in the above file using the following...

I've got null printed.

I don't know what I've missed...

[ October 17, 2004: Message edited by: Parka Teoh ]
[ October 17, 2004: Message edited by: Parka Teoh ]
20 years ago
The service method is not empty. And I've put the servlet in the correct package in the correct class.

I've also repackaged the servlet. But still doesn't work.

I got the code from a textbook's CD, so can't think of what other things that could go wrong.

Here's the code.

20 years ago
I noticed that sometimes my IMAGE button doesn't appear.

Is it a bug?
20 years ago