Brian Sam-Bodden

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since Aug 31, 2004
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...Hibernate sh*t... (boy I'm sounding like Ted Neward now! ;-) Sorry for the typo (two left hands)
It sounds like you will have very few users on you application. The only reason I would use CMP EJBs would be for their transactional capabilities and the caching capabilities. Otherwise I would stick with an ORM tool like Hibernate or OJB.

Hibernate shit with a simple connection pooling algorithm which is not intended for production use. Hibernate also ships with C3P0 and also supports Jakarta's DBCP and Proxool.

With hibernate you can work with POJOs and a simple web container. Unless you need the transactional capabilities of EJBs I would stay away from adding the complexity of a full fledge J2EE server into the mix.

This might be obvious but do you have permissions to start a new service in that box?
What App Server or Web Container are you trying to debug into. It might be the way you are setting the VM parameters on the server for debugging. I'm remote debugging a Weblogic Application and the parameters I use are:

-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=2015 -ms64m -mx64m

What are yours?
Hi, have you installed any plugins recently. Every once in a blue moon I get OOM errors and most of the time they were cause by a plugin. In your case it happens only when debugging right? I've read post of people setting the VM arguments for the debugging profile like:

Set VM args to something like -mx300

Give that a try.
As an Apress author I get a lot of their new titles at no cost. So I would like to donate my copy to the ranch.

The most recent implementation of rules was in the pharmaceutical distribution environment where they had to create rules to determine what to ship to which farmacies (CVS, Revco, Walgreen), determine conversion factors between different companies shipping (cases versus boxes versus pack, etc) and determine if a specific costumer get a brand name versus a generic name.

Another one was on airline catering rules which let you determine what to load on which flights based of the location of the flight, duration, number of seats sold, etc. Like load ice in Atlanta but don't load in Miami if the flight is not an international flight unless the flight has been overbooked.

Also insurance is a big market for business rules, like determining fraud on a claim, etc. For example if both drivers have had accident before in the same set of cities (red flag) type of rules.
19 years ago
McKoi DB seems pretty fast but is still an up-and-coming product. I would definetively recomemnd HSQLDB or the recently released CloudEscape (don't remember the Open Source name). Axion is still not quite ready for production use.
McKoi DB seems pretty fast but is still an up-and-coming product. I would definetively recomemnd HSQLDB or the recently released CloudEscape (don't remember the Open Source name). Axion is still not quite ready for production use.
Some of the things that I find embedded pure-Java DBs useful are:

- For unit/functional tests with something like DBUnit: It makes it easier to create an in-memory DB out of XML for simple before and after tests

- For transient data that you wish to manipule/query using SQL. Sometimes even state of some kind can be better used via SQL (like a shopping cart)

- For applications (rich fat client) in which the user's database is replica of a portion of your main (enterprise database) and the application needs the ability to work disconnected
I've been wanting to get aboard the Portals wagon but I haven't had the chance to find a project that needed that level of pluggability and needed to support a high rate of change (the factor that in my opinion make portals an attractive solution). On the other hand I did started to play with JetSpeed but I wasn't very impressed (of course that was a while ago) so the project might be much better now. I now there are a lot of CMS and Portal projects out there it just seems that the learning curve to get something simple up and going is kind of steep.

I've played with Mono and I think is a wonderful idea. I'm also glad that Novell is behind the wheel now. Miguel DeIcaza has wonderful intentions on where to take Mono, I'm just afraid that Microsoft is going to pull a "Microsoft" sooner or later and Mono will be force to become it's own platform by forking away from some of the APIs and keeping only some low level similarities/compatibilities with the .Net stack. I personally don't think we need a multilanguage environment (which we partially have with Java since there are countless of languages that can be compiled to Java bytecode). Basically I believe you can do ASP.Net with Mono currently which I think is MS killer technology (at least for medium size apps). But I think the future of Mono on Linux is to give LAMP applications some of the enterprise features that you get from J2EE without having to buy on the whole stack (e.g. lightweight containers in .Net like Pico, Nano and the like). This also involves making PHP, Perl, Ruby, etc. .Net compatible languages. Maybe the Spring Framework ported to .Net. That's where I see potential for Mono in the Enterprise arena. For GUI apps I think the combination of Java+SWT (or Swing for non traditional apps) can give you the same advantages as WinForms)

Yes, I personally do. I like to keep track of how the Java community responds to some of the curve balls that the Sun/JCP throws us. I find that most OS projects arise as APIs are imposed upon us and we play with faster, easier and better ways to do things. Like Struts for example. which came about to fill the void for MVCish frameworks in Java and then triggered the direction of projects like Tapestry that appear to deal with the complexity of Struts and on and on. I like this evolutionary cycle in Java, which I don't think you see much on the MS side. They seem to take the Blue pill without hesitation. We Java guys seem to let it swirl in our mouth for a few moments (sometime years!) before we spit it out and chew on that delicious red pill!

Thanks to everyone at JavaRanch. This was certainly an enjoyable experience for both Chris and I. We will try to stick around now and contribute to the forums on the regular basis.

Yes, we do cover CMP Entity Beans in the book. Including CMR and XDoclet and Middlegen generation of CMP Entity Beans.
