Maya Pillai wrote:How to insert data into address book of Outlook Express from Java.
Vivek Viswanathan wrote:I have been using spring for almost 2 years now. I am planning on taking the Certification (that if I do get a voucher from SpringSource based off the 'grandfathered' candidate) I am planning on using the book 'Spring in Action' rather than 'Pro Spring' since 'Spring in Action' is more current.
I havent used the following spring features at work AspectJ, Srping+Hibernate, Spring+iBATIS, Securing Spring, Spring+Webflow, Do you think that 'Spring in Action' is a good book to cover all these topics, in addition to the Spring online reference documentation.
Akash Bhatt wrote:Hi All,
I'm preparing to take SpringSource Certified Professional.
Does anybody know where in India, can I get the required 4 day training ?
Thanks in Advance.
Rob Prime wrote:In my Java 6 JDK it's rt.jar - the JAR file that basically contains the entire API. In my Java 1.4 JDK it's not present.
Randi Randwa wrote:
It is a good idea never to install anything on the server for security reasons. But, you can access server log files (for reading).
To process a log file, you can use something similar to . You can run this script directly on a remote file as follows. Enter the following command in biterscripting.
Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:
Ramaswamy Srinivasan wrote:
Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:Have you looked at java.util.Timer?
Thanks for the input. I will look at it for the scheduling part of it. Would you have any specific pointers to the core class design?
I'm not sure what you mean by core class design, you should have a look at java.util.Timer first. It provides the things you were thinking to implement out of the box.
Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:Have you looked at java.util.Timer?
David Newton wrote:You're re-implementing Quartz?
James Clarks wrote:To start, start to shift your mind into thinking about "objects" not classes. You want to design a system of objects.
You might want to study the source code for Apache Ant build tool, e.g.