Kevin Todd

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since Jan 13, 2001
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Thanks for the response. Unfortunatley my ISP doesn't provide database services. I'll have to shop around and see if I can find someone who does. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
Evidently Sun does not publish this info. A related question was asked a couple of days ago (see post titled "Does Sun post a list") and to date no one has been able to provide any info.
23 years ago
I�m a student who has taken several Java courses but am still relatively new to Java. I�ve been able to connect and query a local database on my machine via JDBC. Now I would like to establish a remote database so I can develop some JSP files for my web site that would be able to query and retrieve information.
My question is how do I go about setting up a database that can be accessed via the internet? Are there database service providers that provide Oracle or SQL Server services for you? Or do you have to buy your own database software, install it and maintain it yourself? Basically I�m looking for a relatively inexpensive way to establish a database that can be accessed via the internet. ANY thoughts, comments, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
My understanding is that the different is size. Unicode is limited to 16 bits to represent each character, while UTF (Uniform Character Set Transformation Format) uses as many bits as needed to encode a charater.
I can't speak from personal experience, but UTF primarily comes into play (is needed) when dealing with pictorial type languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.
Does Sun post the percentage pass rates for the various certification exams anywhere? Luckily, I passed the SCJP exam today (first try!), but I am just curious what the overall pass rate is. I've read on several sites that "most (many) fail on their first attempt". Just curious on what the overall pass rate is.
24 years ago