Emilio Botella

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since Sep 06, 2004
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A inner clas has a special relation between one instance of the containing class and its own instance.
With new Inner() the first answer can accomplish this rule because within the method in line 3 exits the needed instance of Outer. (called this)

In the other hand, a static method (line 8) doesn't know instances so answer B is wrong. (If answer B was: o.new Inner(); or new Outer().new Inner(); then B would be rigt too)

Answer c hasn't got appropiate syntax.
Answer d is made thinking about static inner classes.
The type (time compiler) of b is Beta interface so compiler is upset that there isn't any method called testIt() in Beta.

You should put in String testIt(); in Beta and implement it with public access in the class.
Inner class has name so you can create a constructor with its name.
Anonymous inner class hasn't name, but you can use initializer blocks

Anonymous class has the constructor provided by compiler.

References: Java in a nutshell
The problem with answer c is it hasn't got a return type.
In static block you've declarated a local variable, you may use it within a loop, for example to initiate others static variables.
Static methods belong to a class. If a instance inherits static method only can share it with others so a instance can`t override a static method.