We are a number of globally spread developers that are passionate about learning that currently read the book
Refactoring to Patterns together and dial in to a phone meeting every or every second week to discuss what we have read. This started as reading groups within IBM where we read the book
Implementation Patterns by Kent Beck in the first group and the lovely book
Domain-Driven Design Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans in the second group. But for our new group did we move to
IBM developerWorks and the
Remote Learning Community to make the future reading groups open and accessible for anyone that would like to take part of it whether employed at IBM or not. An interest for learning from others is what counts, not where we work, and we do really want many non-IBMers to join us.
These learning activities are quite voluntary and performed outside of our working time if our employer not allows us to participate on working time and they are dependent on the interest and contributions from the community's members. To make it to grow to a large and great place for collaborative learning from each others are many developers and more leaders wanted. Anyone with an interest for learning are welcome to join our community and take leadership to start a new reading group or join an ongoing one, currently only the one for reading of
Refactoring to Patterns. The community is mainly focused on Java development but there are no clear boundaries to what development that should be included.
If this sounds as an exciting and interesting way to learn then join our community today and contribute to get more reading groups started. We that already are in it would support you as speaking partners and volunteers. To join our community do you have to register with developerWorks first and then may you join the community. Spread this to others that you think could be interested too!
I hope to see you in the community soon!