Selva Prasad Rajendran

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Selva Prasad Rajendran

In big applications which is preferable AJAX/PHP or AJAX/JAVA
Hi Ranchers,
Can anyone tell me whether scjp 1.4 exam is going to be stopped. If so from when this exam is going to be stopped.

Hi Swpana...

Hearty Congrajulations. Its great score in a short span of one month. your tips will be inspiring for many i guess. Congrats!!!

19 years ago
Hi java certified.


19 years ago
Hi amit,
Tat's a facinating score. Congrats
After following a very systematic approch you deserve this score. Its the party time i guess. Congrats once again.

19 years ago
Hi Greg.......

Thats a fantastic score for SCJP 1.5 .
I guess you have got the highest score for this exam. congrats

19 years ago
Hi geethu.......

u can get the enthuware product from

All the best for ur prepartion.

next is OCA for me

Hi ranchers.......

Happy to share this news with u all. I cleared SCWCD 1.4 with 81%. I really feel very relaxed.

Thanks for HFSJ authors for a wonderfull book. It is a great book and that helped me clear it. The Final mock test of HFS is really very hard. Taking up the test after taking up the HFS final mock made me feel that the real exam is much more easier.

I used the enthuware software which is almost very close to the real exam questions.

HFSJ and enthuware + working out on machine and analzing the results will help to get through the exam very easily

Thanks for the ranchers for their support.. Thank u very much

Hi all...

when a getSession of HttpSessionEvent is called in a HttpSessionListener when a session is invalidated will return the session that is changed but will that session be still a invalidated session or a valid session.
Can any one give a proper explanation for this question.
... wat will happen when a session is invalidated..

public class MyHttpSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener
public void sessionCreated (HttpSessionEvent e)
System.out.log ("Session Created");

public void sessionDestroyed (HttpSessionEvent e)
HttpSession session = e.getSession ();
String name = (String) session.getAttribute ("username");
Which of the following statements best describes the code?
� A) A compilation error will occur as the HttpSessionListener class is not properly implemented
� B) No errors or exceptions will occur as the code is written correctly
� C) An IllegalStateException will be thrown when the code is executed
� D) None of the above

The answer is given as c. and the explanation is given as
�The HttpSessionListener interface only defines the sessionCreated () and sessionDestroyed () method calls.

Hence, the code properly implements the interface correctly. So a compilation error should NOT occur.

However, at code execution, an IllegalStateException will be thrown when the session.getAttribute ("name") is called.

By the time the servlet container calls the sessionDestroyed () method, the session has already been invalidated. Therefore a call to getAttribute () will throw an IllegalStateException

but my doubt is e.getSession() will return the session tat is changed. so why cant it call the getAttribute ovet that session.

can any one help me
CoNgRaTs chris

SCJP 1.4
Hi ranchers

Do all these following 3 options mean the same of different.

1. <jsp:getProperty property="streetName" name="id"></jsp:getProperty>

2. <jsp:getProperty name="id" property="streetName"/>

3. <jsp:getProperty property="streetName" name="id"/>

Is that neccessary that jsp:getProperty should be a self closing tag.

scjp 1.4
HI David....

Congrats its a great score.

scjp 1.4
Hi Chris,

Iam very sorry. I confuse u too. Sorry for that. Wat u said is correct.The setpropery will be always executed in this case.

Hi Chris..

Wat u said is correct. I got bit confused over this. This question the setproperty will be executed always. So wat u said is correct.
Sorry was confusing others and u also. Being a learner iam getting into these confusion. sorry

SCJP 1.4