Justin Krettabull

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since Sep 08, 2004
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Recent posts by Justin Krettabull

This issue is resolved.

My welcome-file in web.xml was being overridden by Apache's welcome-file.
18 years ago
We are using Apache mod_jk connector.

We have an Apache mapping for *.jsp to automatically forward to Tomcat.
18 years ago
Using Tomcat 5.5.9

I have a client requirement to redirect all requests to '/index.jsp' to '/'

In index.jsp, I added: response.sendRedirect("http://www.sitename.com/");

Since the welcome-file points to index.jsp, this becomes impossible because of an infinite loop.

So, I changed the welcome-file entry to 'main.jsp' and copied all of the 'content' from index.jsp into main.jsp. In index.jsp, I put the redirect to "http://www.sitename.com/".

Theoretically, all requests coming for /index.jsp should redirect to / and the default Tomcat servlet should include the contents of 'main.jsp'. There are no redirects in main.jsp, just content.

This should work, however it isn't. I have an infinite loop of redirects occuring. I changed the welcome-file in /conf/web.xml and the apps WEB-INF/web.xml. I also didn't forget to restart tomcat.

PS, I also tried using .htaccess, that doesn't work because Tomcat is serving the page and not Apache.

Any thoughts on this ridiculous (but very important to me) matter?

Why is Tomcat not using the welcome-file that points to main.jsp?
18 years ago

Thank you for the reply.

Does anyone else have suggestions?

Maybe I should move this post to the Tomcat section...

18 years ago

The need for a host located in India is a client requirement.

Not sure exactly on the reason.

18 years ago
I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a JSP/Servlet web hosting company located in India?


Tomcat 4.1.x
MySQL 5.x
JDK 1.4.x

I have found plenty of US, Canada, Australia, and Japanese hosts, but I'm interested in India specifically.

18 years ago
I think is a bug in the RI.

Check the HeadFirst website for a workaround to this.
I couldn't figure out how to get past this wizard screen. It might be a bug in RAD6, I'm not sure.

I found a workaround by manually creating a Table Definition from a previous bean's .xmi file. (basically cut and paste, then find and replace)

I'm still wondering why the wizard denied me.
19 years ago
Hey everyone,

I just built a new CMP entity bean in RAD6. I want to 'create a new table definition' so that I can map the database columns to the new EJB.

I select File->New->Other->Data->Table Definition.
I'm then prompted with a wizard.

The 1st screen asks me to locate the database schema and enter a name for the new table, so I enter the information.

The problem is that the 'Next' button never activates. I'm stuck on this screen.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
19 years ago
Give each <f:selectItem /> a unique id and the problem will disappear I believe.

<f:selectItem id="abc123"
<f:selectItem id="def456"
19 years ago
I figured it out.

In Rational Application Developer6, click on the 'selectManyList' component in design view. Then go to properties and select 'Add set of choices'. In there, you tell it the name of the collection and the contained type, and the field(s) to display.

The code ends up looking as such:

<h:selectManyListbox id="manyList">
<f:selectItems value="#items.sessionScope.types.description.description.toArray}" />

The output is a multi-select dropdown list populated with data from a Collection in sessionScope.
19 years ago
I have a selectManyListBox. I want to populate the selectItems dynamically at runtime using JSTL. My code is something like this:

<h:selectManyListbox id="manyList">
<c:forEach var="s" items="${myCollection}" >
<f:selectItem itemValue="<c ut value="${s.id}"/>" itemLabel=<c ut... />

My code is failing. Does anyone have a simple example of how to do this?
Seems like this should be really easy.

19 years ago
I figured out how to fix the problem and get rid of the exceptions.

I had to add attributes to the pagerDeluxe tag: (the JSF redbook does not mention this fact)

Here's the code:

<hx agerDeluxe id="pagingHandler" srcPrevious="/.d/.ibmjsfres/img/hinkies.gif" srcFirst="/.d/.ibmjsfres/img/hinkies_lg.gif" srcLast="/.d/.ibmjsfres/img/HinkiesC.gif" srcNext="/.d/.ibmjsfres/img/hinkies_vlg.gif" />
19 years ago
I'm writing a Faces Portlet with a JSF 'dataTable' and an IBM 'deluxe pager'. The JSF dataTable prints a simple List of beans from the session scope on my jsp. However, when I click 'next', to go to the next page, I'm getting this exception:

2/05 13:41:10:079 EDT] 34abcf08 OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group /.d/.ibmjsfres/img/1x1.gif has not been defined

PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group /.d/.ibmjsfres/img/hinkies.gif has not been defined

PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group /.d/.ibmjsfres/img/hinkies_lg.gif has not been defined

PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group /.d/.ibmjsfres/img/HinkiesC.gif has not been defined

PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group /.d/.ibmjsfres/img/hinkies_vlg.gif has not been defined

I followed the Redbook example very closely. Anyone seen this before?
19 years ago
I tried passing a Timestamp to the finder and it didn't work.

I'm using Websphere 5.1 App. Server with Oracle 9i. I think Websphere only supports Timestamp with DB2.

Looks like I'm gonna have to write BMP's for the queries that return results based on date range.

thanks for your help