Chris Ben

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since Jan 15, 2001
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Recent posts by Chris Ben

Very helpful!!! It saves me a lot of time in searching the right resource.
Thanks a lot James.
Have a good weekend
22 years ago
Hi James,
Thank you very much!
It is definitely a great article for a jump start. If you or anyone have any other good resource about this topic, please also let me know (for some reasons, I did not find it in Java tutorial in Sun website :-( ).
Thanks again
22 years ago
I think I have been always confused with this event topic.
In Java, whenever I touched event before, it is GUI related, as adding a listener and so on. However, if I want to build an event in a non-GUI program, for example, start a timer in a class to check time, which changing the content of a hashtable based on the msg it got from a network, the EVENT of the change this hashtable may trigger another action as updating another hashtable somewhere, which depends how the first hashtable get updated.
I know this example can be done without using any Event model, but just wondering how I can do it in Java (I can easily do it with the delegation concept in C#)? Is there any routine class build-in to help me do that?
Thanks a lot
22 years ago
Hi all,
I developed an application in Java swing. When I tested in my machine, everything was fine. However, when my clients started using it, most of them use at least dual-monitor pc wiht w2k system, they complained that, sometimes, there were glitch on graphic, as after they close the menu, part of menu graphic still stay there, though they can remove it by minimize the applicaion and max it again, it is very annoying.
It seems the problem partially affected by the video card they are using, the more powerful vcard, the less of the problems. However, the applicaitons we developed in VB and J++ never have problems like this.
I know Microsoft has a lot of tricks in windows systems and I doubt it is partially due to the virtual machine implementation of Java since I saw this pro even in some commercial software as Jbuilder at my single monitor machine. However, I am still wondering whether I can minimize this pro programmingly.
Thanks a lot
22 years ago
Hi Manfred ,
It is working fine. Thanks a lot.
22 years ago
I wrote a html version of Help file for my application and I want the user can start it by clicking Help on the menu bar. Could anyone please tell me how to do it? Or simply tell me where I can find the similar samples.
Thanks a lot
22 years ago
Hi all,
Before I started preparing SCJP, my understanding on Java is a mess. Afterwards, mainly by reading RHE, JavaRanch, and Java Tutorial, I think I have a much better understanding on java, not only on some important basic concepts, but also some advanced essential techniques as concurrent programming.
Now, when I am mainly workin on Window system and playing with COM objects, I feel I need a similar process in C++ as my java approach, too.
Can someone suggest the counterparts for RHE, JavaRanch and SCJP in C++ (and VB)? I know C++ and VB, but I am not as comfortable in using them as I am in Java.
I know this post may not be quite fit this board and there are many people here hate microsoft , but I really appreciate it if the thread can be kept alive for a while.
Thanks a lot
23 years ago
J++ was MicroSoft's version of Java before Sun sued them. Basically java 1.1 with some extra Microsoft stuff mixed in.
THis is exactly what I am looking for. BTW, does the J++ GUI have a lot extra?
I've also heard rumors of J# (also from Microsoft), but don't know anything about it.
Surprise. Bill already have C#, why J#?
Microsoft has been using java in their browsers. However, it is limited to version 1.1.4 and lower. They wanted to use java and still make their version of java OS dependent which broke the Sun contract for use of java. Therefore the suit
Nice details.
Thanks a lot
23 years ago
This question has hunted me for a while. I have thought J++ is closer to C#, while they are on the product lines of MS side by side. However, MS provides its own JVM, which seems work with Java, too (as in the browser). I did not study J++ API carefully, but should I treat J++ as a language completely different from Java, in the area of compatibility? Or something related and how related in the development?
Is J++ closer to Java or to C#?
Thanks for the help
23 years ago
Thanks. I saw it claims the win98,95 is the working platform for bridge2java. Have you tried it at win2000 and NT?
23 years ago
I need to access some data through a COM interface. Just wondering, is there any standard way for me to do that in Java?
And can I create a com object with java, NOT J++?
Thanks a lot
23 years ago
I think I was dumb .
thanks a have a good weekend
23 years ago
Thanks. May I ask what exactly is happening if I send a string as "123" or ")|("? I think they are 6 bytes, too, but they are not chars, aren't they?
23 years ago
I want to send 1K bytes string data through the socket. Just wondering, for a string as "abc", is its size 6 bytes? I know one char is 16 bits but I would like to confirm it.
23 years ago