Colin Fletcher

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 10, 2004
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For me that depends.

Just because a guy has 5 years experience doesn't mean he out weighs a certificate.

I am more of a conceptual guy - if you get the concepts you can apply them to any language or flavour of the day. If you can do one thing really well and don't get the concepts.... you are really good at one thing.
Thanks, I got a good laugh and added it to my RSS list :-)

Some of the code that I have seen over my time could go up there...
19 years ago
Presidential theif
19 years ago
7/10 Who says there is snow in Wisconson ?
19 years ago
Jessica just didn't have "it". She didn't capture the peoples 'hearts' (much like Anwar and Nikko). Weight had nothing to do with it. I think Scott should have been dropped after that dismal display.

It is interesting to note which songs the contestents are "allowed" to sing... I like the "hard rock" stuff and don't think I have heard any decent hard rock songs on the show.

How about have a true "idol" show where the song lists are more open.... Wouldn't you find it interesting to see the singers do some of the older rock stuff.... How about some Zep?
19 years ago