Ramesh Shanmugam

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since Sep 13, 2004
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Recent posts by Ramesh Shanmugam

Hi Michael,

thanks for posting this link "http://www.headfirstlabs.com/books/hfsvlt/ "

the web.xml entry shown below will be executed whenever there server HTML response code is 500. how ever if you wish to redirect to error page incase of exception, please try the following web.xml entry.
14 years ago
Hi All,

i would like to know how to set the default direction of xls using jasper report. Pointers or examples would help me a lot.

thanks in advance

Hi All,

is there a way to load MS excel worsheet in Right-To-Left direction using jasper reports.

Thanks in advance.


I have created jasper report to download as .xls report. I have overwritten the REPORT_LOCALE to "iw". Still when i download the report, i could see the columns are starting from left to right, instaead of right to left (i.e column A,B should start from right to left). Any solution for the same.

thanks in advance


I have created jasper report to download as .xls report. I have overwritten the REPORT_LOCALE to "iw". Still when i download the report, i could see the columns are starting from left to right, instaead of right to left (i.e column A,B should start from right to left). Any solution for the same.

thanks in advance
Dear All,

I would like to thank you all for you consistent support and help. The exam was really cool. Please study the Kathy siera SCJP 5.0 book and good material to understand the generics. Finally practice with good mock exam would help us to achieve good score.

15 years ago
I have java file which is running on Websphere Application Studio (WSAD). From the Java file i need to invoke a java file to run as like it runs on command prompt. So what i did is i got the RunTime instance and tried to execute the java file like

Runtime.getRunTime.exec("java -cp classpath JavaFilename);

the system was not showing any result or error. Please help me to get it resolved and run the java file
16 years ago
We have a new servet. When the servlet is deployed at application server, the servlet is recognised and the request to this servlet are redirected properly. But when we try to invoke the servlet through the webserver, it is not recognising the servlet. We are getting blank page for this request. We have made necessary entries in the web.xml of the webserver. When we invoke the servlet directly from the appserver the servlet is getting called properly.Please let me know if someone has faced a similar issue and possible solution for the same. Is there any separate procedure for deploying a new servlet to an application which is already deployed?
Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
How to connect to HTTPS url from a java method url.openConnection(jdk version 1.4.2) under java.net.URL package without going for installation of any protocol handlers..
16 years ago
How to connect to HTTPS url from a java method url.openConnection(jdk version 1.4.2) under java.net.URL package without going for installation of any protocol handlers..
How to connect to HTTPS url from a java method( jdk version 1.4.2) using java.net.urlconnection package without going for installation of any protocol handlers..
16 years ago

I need to pass a data from JSP to Visual Basic. i have loaded the visual basic component as .ocx using <OBJECT> tag in the JSP. Please help me how to resolve this.?
16 years ago
Hi sujith,

thanks for the reply, can you pls send me code snippet to develop this

18 years ago
can anyone tell me how to sort files in a Directory based on Date and Time?

thanks in advance
18 years ago