Kriti Garg

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 13, 2004
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Recent posts by Kriti Garg

Hi ,
How can we use Blob and Clob in iBATIS OR Mapping.

Hi All,

I am iterating through <login:iterate> ag and inside that i am using <html:mutlibox>.

Sppose user sees three checkboxes there can be three scenarios...
1)Click All(Its fine )
2)Unclick All(Its fine,as i am checkinf if its null then all false)
3) Click some and untouched some other

then multibox send array of only those which are checked and i am unable to track which are unchecked.

As browser doesnot recongnise the unchecked checkboxes...
using a hidden field with same name works for single checkbox but not correctly when used inside a iterate with a multibox.

Even in my reset method of ActionForm i am iterating through my array of checkboxes and setting it to false.

How can i solve this problem.
18 years ago
Actually these users are subscribers to our maling list.

And in this newsletter we just want to check which are the subscribers area of intereset .We need this for our survey
18 years ago
Hi All,

I am sending a email (HTML/text) using the JavaMail API.

i want to track which links(hyperlink) of the emails was opened by the Receipent.

I am creating a HTML based email using the editor as in Yahoo etc

How can i track that.

18 years ago
I mean in page directive of jsp
we have 'extends' but not 'implements' why is it so?
19 years ago
Can u tell why there is restriction of not implementing an interface in jsp?
19 years ago
can pls specify me why JSp specification impose a restriction behind
implementing Interface.
i mean why cannot we implement Interface in JSP

19 years ago
Hi All,
I want to convert Colored '.tiff' image to black and white.
is there any suport in JAI or java.awt.
or anybody know ow to do it

19 years ago
Hi All,
Can anybody guide me through the steps of seeing the UML view of the .JAVA
Means i can get the pakcage,class etc model view inside the Eclipse
like we an see the UML view of .java class in Jbuilde by clicking on the Uml tab.

I downloaded Omondo....EMF,UML2,GEF framwork ........

i successfully imported .mdl into eclipse but donot know how to view the .JAVA visullay (UML Model view)inside Eclipse IDE

Hi all,
can anybody suggest me some free gui delopment tool for jsp.
like DreamWeaver can be an good option,but it is not free

19 years ago
Hi All,
Can anybody suggest me some good opensource IDE for web-development?
and also the Pros and Cons againts using

JBuilderX is commercial,but is it better option over eclipse etc.


Try something like this


if (Ur Condition Met) {
setBackground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionBackground():Color.RED);
setForeground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionForeground():Color.WHITE);

else {
setBackground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground());
setForeground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionForeground() :


where table is ur JTable
20 years ago
Thanks Catlin.
20 years ago
Hi All,

Can anybody send me some links where i can found sample Projects using Swings/Awt component .

Or anybody know some project (eg automation of some system )

in which all swings components will be used.

My cousin needs it to submit in college as a 6 month semester training


20 years ago