Ajai Augustine

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since Sep 13, 2004
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I will definitely work on my grammar.

But I think I got the answer for my question.

If you choose to use Swing, you would make remote EJB calls to the server. The Swing front end would replace the JSP/servlet front end. You wouldn't use both.

I thought jsp/servlet is to process the data from any gui. Because when I used the JSP, I used HTML form to create the gui and JSP to process the data. But the truth is it is to create gui, right?
And when we use jsp/servlet as the front end then we have to use browser to display the gui.

Thanks again
19 years ago
Hi guys,
May be I am not explaining clearly.
I am just new to servlet/jsp and all those related things. I have learned those and used in small web sites.
then now I want to know whether I can use, these jsp/servlet in an environment like this.
A small company, with an intranet. Have a server and different clients, which employees can use to do day to day works.
I know I can develop applications just by using java, and clients using swing and connect client and server using RMI.
I just want to know, in this environment is this jsp/servlet is of any use. or just following the way I explained above is the only or best option.

May be I am not understanding things right
19 years ago

If you were going to write a Swing front end I would wonder why you want to impose the limitations of the HTTP protocol on your program.

I just want to know, whether I will be able to use, jsp/servlet in an environment like that. Or is that a good idea?
19 years ago
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.

If I use Swing to create a front end(no browsers invloved, Just a JFrame), and send the data to server using HTTP(I dont know how), whether a servlet or jsp program at the server be able to handle that data, in the same way, it handles data from html form, send using internet. I mean whether I will be able to use implicit objects and more like request.getParameter().

[ March 06, 2005: Message edited by: Ajai Augustine ]
[ March 06, 2005: Message edited by: Ajai Augustine ]
19 years ago
I am new to J2EE and I have some questions about J2EE Actually I couldnt find an answer anywhere.
1.is jsp/servlet can only be used when we are using internet and browsers to display the front end?
2.Is this jsp/servlet only for developing web applications like e-commerce web sites? Can it be used to develop other applications like software for companies, that do their regular job like inventory management or pay roll management?

Any help?
19 years ago
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your quick reply.

Actually what I want is not an easy exam, but want to cover more topics. But if 1z0-001 is for 8i then I don't think it is a good option. Right? And if I take
Exam #1Z0-147 Oracle9i: Program with PL/SQL,
that will cover PL/SQL any way.
So I feel like it is better to go with Exam #1Z0-007.

Thanks a lot
Hi all,
I am new to Oracle. I decided to take
Oracle9i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate certification. But I have no clue which exam is better.
Exam #1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL or
Exam #1Z0-001 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL

first I decided to take Exam #1Z0-001. But I couldn't find any books for that exam. I searched in internet and all I can find is some books which are for 8i not for 9i. Any help.
