gayathri sridhar

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since Sep 15, 2004
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Recent posts by gayathri sridhar

Originally posted by Vijay Vaddem:
If you look for Product based companies......

Here are few good companies which i know.....

1) IBM
2) SAP labs
3) BEA
5) Cordys
6) Oracle
7) Many more................

+ i2
20 years ago

Originally posted by Kishore Dandu:

I am trying to sell 'automated unit-testing(using JUnit)' and 'automated build(using ant, clearcase etc)'. But nobody at work is listening to me.

What is being currently employed? Not sure how many places enforce unit testing (developer). But automated build and source code control looks too basic to ignore.

Did you try coming up with some simple stories? Am sure you must have, but either way..The simplest i can think of (i have run into this problem quite a few times and so its a no brainer for me):

You check out files from the source and make modifications and sometimes 'add' new files into the version control. You build and it goes through fine on your box. But for others it does not works. If you have an automated build running twice a day ? , you find the problem by say afternoon...and you go and check in the file...else wait for others to figure that out for you.

Meanwhile someone goes ahead and does an update from the version control system. His build would obviously fail and he would be cursing you all along since he w'dn't be able to do anything productive.

These kind of experiences prevent developers from updating their view of the source code and result in conflicts later (i mean merge issues etc).

I know this is pretty basic but happens regularly on projects.

You can come up with few more and am sure you should be able to convince them!

and either way what does it need..


they are all apparently free !
20 years ago

Originally posted by Angel Dobbs-Sciortino:
I'm thinking it's a classloader issue. Does anyone know a workaround for this?

uhhm could be..
Where is the DataObject class located? Both the contexts have their copies of DataObject? Should you try putting the DataObject class in the tomcat shared/lib folder? or may be tomcat/common/classes folder? instead of letting the contexts have their own copies...this is just a guess.
20 years ago
Hi Budi,
Do you have an indian edition of the book? Do let us know.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Prashanth Joisha:
Does the book talk about these design patterns while describing Tomcat 4.x/5.x architecture?

I think yes. I was reading through the chapters and there was one place were the facade pattern was nicely described. How HttpRequest object is wrapped using facade when passing it on to other modules so that the other modules cannot invoke the private methods of the actual HttpRequest implementation.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Ko Ko Naing:
Your question had been answered in the past...

thanks . It does answer a part of my question. But it seems to be more of a conversation between you and alvin. and yes and i was curious about the container module that normally gets rewritten.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Michael J. Makunas:
What I mean is, that given the following assumptions:

1) I have 2 identical MySql databases running on two seperate servers.
2) These databases will allways be in sync and identical

Is there a way to set up Tomcat's conntion pooling so that when the app gets a connection from the pool it could be a connection to either of the dbs? Thus, distributing the load between 2 db servers.

uhhm, i have seen something close to this called multipools in weblogic where u have a primary pool and then you can bring one database server down(and hence the pool) and the datasource automatically points to the back up pool after that.
The datasource through which you connect to the database needs to be configured with a multipool. But the one you are looking for..
best left to the author / tomcat experts to answer.

So you want to distribute load only at the db level and not cluster the tomcat servers and distribute it that way. What you are looking for should be possible within a tomcat cluster.
20 years ago
to the author / to those who have already finished reading the book,
What design patterns have been used extensively in the tomcat code base?
Are there some nice stuff that has been used. Would be great if somebody could share their learnings and also the tomcat module that has been implemented using the dp.
20 years ago
Hi Budi,

As tomcat undergoes revision,
version 4.x 5.x and now 5.5, what part of the container gets rewritten /improved upon. Is 5.x a complete rewrite of 4.x?
Does the book cover 5.x as well?

20 years ago

Originally posted by C Sampson:
Are there any plans to integrate tomcat and geronimo?

Looks like they are using another container called jetty ? :roll:
20 years ago

Originally posted by Ko Ko Naing:

"How Struts Works" in the future?

I thought Struts in Action itself was too indepth!I picked up that book and it is turning out to be quite a read.Try that if you have time.
There is too much information out there.
20 years ago
ok i dont understand the webserver - servlet container communication. So this muct be pretty basic. I guess tomcat must be having some limitations on the number of user threads it can spawn for the incoming requests.
So would'nt that become the bottleneck when it comes to increasing performance / serving more requests.

How does having Apache web server performance help here.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Tom Boyce:
[QB]StandardServer.await: create[8005]: Address already in use: JVM_Bind Address already in use: JVM_Bind

So another tomcat instance is already running?
shut it down and try starting again. Try logging off and then start tomcat. If even taht does not work i think the port at which tomcat binds (guess is specified in the server.xml in tomcat needs to be changed to something different).
20 years ago