Harish Yerneni

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 15, 2004
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Recent posts by Harish Yerneni


This link had a similar example but they used net beans

Hope this helps!

Congrats, Mohamed. Hard work paid off. I am also trying to wrap up my assignment and submit.
15 years ago
Congrats, great score!!!

Hello Ranchers:

I am trying to run concurrency test on delete method. My pseudo code is

Consider this scenario:
100 = lockRecord(5)
deleteRecord(5, 100)
unlock(5, 100)

lockRecord(5) will throw RNFE
unlock(5, 0) will throw Security Exception when in theory I was expecting RNFE.
unlock() method had only SecurityException and didnt have RecordNotFoundException in the signature in my
assignment. How is everyone handling this?


Start Reading Monkhouse book. It has all the background needed. Do more research on a topic by topic basis as you read the book.

Congrats, Rohan. You did it at a Rocket speed!!!

16 years ago
Congrats, Musab.

Congrats, Alex. What next?

Congrats, Andre

16 years ago
Congrats, Perfect score!!!

Never give any of your original documents to anybody. You can give them photocopies if they want. I have heard about people taking passports also. This is against law.

Contract of 18 months without sponsoring h1-b and giving 60 percent later on doesnt sound good to me at all.

AVOID that company.

17 years ago
Well done. Nicholas. What next?
congrats, Xabier

17 years ago
Hi all:

Here is the spec I got

I have checked for RNFE if the record is not existing in FileManager hashmap or already marked as deleted. I have thrown security exception, when cookie is not matching with the existing cookie in the hashmap or if recno doesnt exist in the lockManager hashmap itself(question: am I OK here).

I have seen in many posts they are recommending
lockRecord() - can somebody explain me why we should use lockRecord() here. I am thinking we are deleting an already locked record. If we use lockRecord(), dont we get a new cookie value here.
deleteRecord() - fine
unlock() - fine

Here is what I have coded in my Data.class



question: Why should we lock() first, if the record is already