Chetan Parekh

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since Sep 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Chetan Parekh

Is there any Maven plug-in to generate properties file containing XPATH name value pair from given XML file?

9 years ago
Thanks Jayesh. Now I am using Jenkins for source code checkout.
9 years ago
I have a custom XML file having multiple placeholders (${}). Value of placeholders should be replaced with the values from properties file - the properties file containing name(placeholders)/value(actual values) pair. Is there any Maven plugin for this?
9 years ago
------ pom.xml
------ Module1

Based on the input provided to ParentFolder/pom.xml, either Module1 or Module2 should be checked out first from the SVN and then build should be performed.

However, Maven looks for existence of module's pom.xml before checkout goal of ParentFolder/pom.xml gets executed. Due to this build is failing evern before checkout.

Is there any to resolve this issue?
9 years ago
Following is a code snippet of current implementation:

We want to use PreparedStatement to prevent SQL injection. How to use PreparedStatement with sql.eachRow()?
13 years ago
Our application is receiving data in a form of XML files from multiple sources. We are extracting some field values from these XML file using XPath and populating in the database.
The XML files we are receiving are having different prefix for the same namespace. Our XPath code is capable of performing lookup based on any one prefix.

How to perform XPath lookup which is prefix transparent?

Is it true that Indian comapnies are planing to launch Aussie proof LCD?
13 years ago
Congratulation to Australia in advance for winning the WC 2011 !
13 years ago
How to send asynchronous http POST request ?

Server will just accept the request and will not reply with response.
14 years ago
Thanks !

I got the empty String. I just have to verify the resultant array's length, so I am fine with either.
14 years ago
Got it!

14 years ago

How to split above String value in to an array with 7 elements. 3rd, 5th and 6th will have null as a value.

Above code generate array with 5 elements only. Last two elements with null value are not getting generated.
14 years ago
Thanks Jan and Mike! I will have a look at it.

My project is of type EAI/SOA, any specific book for these kinda of projects?
Please recommend good books on Software Requirement Gathering and Management.
Is there any free/open source MPP Viewer available?
14 years ago