Sirish Reddy

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since Sep 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Sirish Reddy

How can i lock an Object ?
19 years ago
Java won't support Operator overloading why?Can you tell me the reason ?
Regards\Sirish Reddy.,
Java won't support Operator overloading why?Can you tell me the reason ?
Regards\Sirish Reddy.,
Hello evry body,
I have small doubt in servlets.I gonna develope a webapplication on online this application i want do some validation of creditcards how i can do it.Could you please give me some sample code..
Thanking you..
G Sirish Reddy
19 years ago
Hi Jguru's..
As soon as i obtaining my session object (eighter in servlet or jsp) can i explicitly Kills the session object if tell me the procedure lies inside?
Sirish G Reddy.
20 years ago
Hi to all JavaGuys,
Here my query is abt Marked interface in my point of view it is noting but a interface which has no methods.This is the only correct answere or is their any reason to say it is marked interface?
Thanking you,
Sirish G Reddy.,
20 years ago
I'm very comfartable with java and j2ee technologies.I'm looking for a job in Hyderabad india.Those persons in such positins please consider my request.(there is no any money matters)
Sirish G Reddy.
M.Sc(Computer Science)
20 years ago