Rohan Kayan

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 17, 2004
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Recent posts by Rohan Kayan

How to read a '\n; new line character from Sybase DB ? In the table we have some string "\Device\newpath" while reading it using plain prepare statement on the output it is showing "\Deviceewpath" . Is there any way by which we can get the output "\Device\newpath" ?

I was bit curious that , can we unload any Java class explicitly from Memory ?

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago

I am bit confused regarding the Garbage Collection of object instance which reference is hold by some static member. When will that object be collected by GC ?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks to Javaranch forum for all the support during preparation.

14 years ago
Only object pointed by a1 is eligible to GC.

a2.b1 -> b1
a2.b2 ->b2
In Javadocs , I read this line for getInteger() method , "Determines the integer value of the system property with the specified name. " Which makes it clear that if there is no property with the name as "9" it will return null.
Oh got that , I thought second Qs is asking "Q2.How can a thread own the lock of this object? , that is why I thought it should provide more information about the Synchronization block. But now I am clear.

Q1.A java class can be:

1 strictfp and final
2 abstract and final
3 public and abstract
4 protected
5 private

Q2.How can a thread own the lock of an object?

1 When the thread executes a synchronized instance method of that object
2 When the thread executes a synchronized statement block
3 When the thread calls wait() on this object

I wanted to ask , when the Question 1 refers to Java class , do we need to consider inner class too ?
In Question 2 - option 2 don't provide the complete information , so is that a correct ans or not ?
Following is the question from

B)good idea
C)good idea good idea
D)good 0 good 0 1

Correct answer is : A

My doubt is that , as the time/sequence of execution of threads are dependent of the actual JVM and platform , the ans for above question could be any of these five

1. good
2. good 0
3. good 0 1
4. good 0 1 2
5. good 0 1 2 3

Am I correct in my interpretation ??

If I am not wrong. the generic type "String" is creating confusion , we generally use <T> or some other character for generic types , in above code we are using "String" to represent generic type.
Neha , what do you mean by "most closely associated class" ???
Hi, I am trying to run following code from Eclipse

Every time I am getting NullPointerException , what could be the issue ??
I think this one is a better example to understand that Interfaces are compiled as .class files and every classes are itself an Object in Java , that is why Interfaces "IS-A" java.lang.Object
It is still not clear to me ,

In above example String "is-a" an Object that is why the assignment in second line worked. But how can we say that Interface "IS-A" java.lang.Object ?

Why I am getting the output as , false and true ??