Shivani Chandna

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since Sep 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Shivani Chandna

I had used the above - and on the whole - disregarding the low coverage of concurrency and throws clause - it was definitely useful.
Passed it !. Total study duration : 2.5 weeks.
I would suggest people planning it to go for a 2 month duration of study - rather than just a week or two !
Reason being - hands on requires a lot of time - especially with NIO2 and Concurrency classes. And then - it's better to give with more hands on than less !

The first thing to remember for this exam is read the API Docs - there is so much more information in them than any of the books - You will be surprised that they are very elaborate for a lot of things.
So read - every method definition,even each constant definition, exception - hierarchy - when and how it is raised. Go through all of it.
As of now , no book covers details as much as the API DOCs ;) So read them before you give the exam.

More tips later...
Yes, for 805 exam the topics are fewer and also the cost of upgrade is less. So in general better to go for upgrade.

When constructing an object that will be shared between threads, be very careful that a reference to the object does not "leak" prematurely. For example, suppose you want to maintain a List called instances containing every instance of class. You might be tempted to add the following line to your constructor:


But then other threads can use instances to access the object before construction of the object is complete.

Can someone please give an example explaining the above?



Has anyone understood the importance of these extensions - Please can you give examples of how these can be useful?.
Is understanding these - important for for jdk7 programmer certificate?

From the oracle docs -
getUnicodeLocaleKeys() – Returns the Unicode locale key codes or an empty set if the locale has none. For the German example, this would return a set containing the single string "co".
getUnicodeLocaleType(String) – Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the Unicode locale key code. Invoking getUnicodeLocaleType("co") for the German example would return the string
getUnicodeLocaleAttributes() – Returns the set of Unicode locale attributes associated with this locale, if any. In the German example, this would return a set containing the single string "email".

Error in oracle tutorial for NIO2. toRealPath API cannot take boolean as param::

The toRealPath method returns the real path of an existing file. This method performs several operations in one:

If true is passed to this method and the file system supports symbolic links, this method resolves any symbolic links in the path.
If the Path is relative, it returns an absolute path.
If the Path contains any redundant elements, it returns a path with those elements removed.

In NIO2 oracle tutorial it says:

Note that if there is an exception during directory iteration then DirectoryIteratorException is thrown with the IOException as the cause. Iterator methods cannot throw exception exceptions.

Can someone elaborate on that?

Oracle docs:,%20java.nio.file.Path,%20java.nio.file.CopyOption...%29

DirectoryNotEmptyException - the REPLACE_EXISTING option is specified but the file cannot be replaced because it is a non-empty directory (optional specific exception)

Please explain this further
12 years ago

Has anyone tried to use the practice questions from:
Need to know other's experience before going for it?

Have you checked the mysql java connector jar is in classpath?

Congrats ! Given it finally ...

Usage of PrimaryKeyJoinColumn:

(1) For defining linkage to a secondary table:

When no additional foreign key column in either table.In this case, @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn is used instead of an @JoinColumn annotation.

Usage of JoinColumn:

A relationship mapping where one table has a reference to another table.
i.e existence of foreign key column. In JPA its called join columns and
@JoinColumn annotation is the primary annotation used to configure these types of columns. Eg: