Chris McGuirk

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since Jan 16, 2001
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Recent posts by Chris McGuirk

Does anyone know if there is a way to have the Java plugin "piggyback" on the browser's current authentication credentials. IE, I have a site that uses Basic Authentication, but when I go to the applet it prompts me for it's own authentication credentials. The JVM for 1.1.8 in IE does this transparently, but apparently the plugin does not. Thanks.
23 years ago
I am using URLConnection in an applet to open a connection to a servlet that is running in a container (JRun 3.0) that is attached to IIS. This will only work if I am using Basic Authentication, but it worked using Windows Integrated Security when I tried it in JDK 1.1.8. The problem with using basic is, when I go to the ASP page that hosts the applet, I get prompted for username/password once from IIS, then again from the Java plugin. Is there anyway around this? Thanks.
23 years ago
Does anyone know if there is any difference in performance when requesting query results in XML as opposed to recordsets? It seems pretty fast to me.
The syntax isn't strange, <xsl:if $pattern=$pattern2> is not a well formed XML element, but <xsl:if test="$pattern=$pattern2"> is . XSL is built on XML.
...i.e. The DOMDocument object in the MSXML parser has a XML property, which is an XML string representation of the entire document.
I have loaded a document into a DOM Document already via an InputStream. I would like to know if it is possible to get a string representation of the XML out of the existing Document object, for example, to print out to the console for inspection.
Does anyone know an easy way to retreive a string representation of a XML document? I have used an older Java XML parser from DataChannel, and their Document object had a getXML function which returned a string. We are looking to replace this with the newer JAXP parser. Thanks in advance.