Rich Dominelli

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since Sep 21, 2004
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I have a small tomcat/axis based webservice which slowly grabs more cpu over a few days and requires a restart. CPU utilization climbs to high 90's and would problably hit 100% if I did not restart.

I have seen several threads about this being caused by JDK 1.4.1. but we are on 1.4.2. Our environment is sun solaris and we are running tomcat 5.0.28.

Any suggestions on how to track the cause of this down?

Thanks for your help.
19 years ago
How are you starting Tomcat?
If this is running on a Unix Server are you starting it with nohup?
20 years ago
There are no core files.
We are using Java 1.4.2_5 from sun, with the patches recomended by sun to solaris.

We do have an Axis based app loaded on this tomcat instance. However the crashes will often occur before the app is called.

20 years ago
Did you ever determine the cause?
20 years ago
Howdy all,
I am new to running tomcat and I am experiencing an odd issue on our Solaris install. We start Tomcat (Verion 5.0.28) and it runs for a bit then mysteriously disapears.

The catalina.out file ends with
INFO: Server startup in 15401 ms

The localhost_log does not list any errors. The amount of time the server is up varies from hours to minutes.

Any suggestions on how to diagnose this?
Thanks for any help.

20 years ago