partha chaudhuri

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since Sep 21, 2004
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Recent posts by partha chaudhuri

In my web application I am using struts2,spring and oc4j
When i am opening a new page by window.showModalDialog .. it is always creating new session.

But in my earlier application i am using oc4j 10.1.2 , showModalDialog is having same http session with the opener jsp page.
Can anybody plese tell me where is the problem.

Partha Sarathi Chaudhuri
17 years ago
I am using struts 2.0.9 and struts-menu2.4.3.
In the menu-config.xml if I put action attribute... it is giving

ERROR [net.sf.navigator.taglib.DisplayMenuTag] - <Incorrect action or forward: action ' invalid - no struts.jar>
My menu-config.xml is

<Menu name="Reports" title="Reports" width="150" >
<Menu name="Masters" title="Masters" width="150" >
<Item name="m1b" title="Vehicle Type" tooltip="Vehicle Type" action="" target="wFrame" width="150"/>
<Item name="m2b" title="Vehicle Type1" tooltip="Vehicle Type" action="" target="wFrame" width="150"/>
<Menu name="Booking" title="Booking" width="150" >
<Menu name="Security" title="Security" width="150" >


Partha Sarathi Chaudhuri
17 years ago
You can use struts plug-in in struts 1, which load the neccessary file when server starts up.

But i don't know how to load some cache in struts2 while server starts up, as in struts2 plug-in class has been removed.
Can anybody help me.
Thanks in advanced.
17 years ago
Can anybody please help me.
17 years ago
I am using struts 1.2.9 and struts menu 2.3 .
I have a critical problem.
When i open a drop down menu , it hides under a combo in the page.
Please help me out. it is urgent.
I am using struts2 tabbed panel tag(s:tabbedPanel).
In my jsp there three tab.
when i am submiting the form only one tab data is reaching to action class.
How can i get all the data in three tabs at a single submit.
Please help.
17 years ago
But i have application ear file, which i deployed in the application server.
The help i have created where should i put in the application server...and
from jsp embedded applet.. how can i put the path.

Partha sarathi Chaudhuri
17 years ago
I deployed a j2ee-struts application in the oracle10g as.
now i make the jar for myhelp.jar.
I am not looking for html help.
My problem is where should i put the neccesary jar and how i embed the swing in my jsp or html page which is opening from menu,so that when the user click on button the help system would appear.
Thanks and regards,
Partha sarathi chaudhuri
17 years ago
I have struts j2ee application deployed in oracle 10g application server.
I need a help for the application build in javahelp.
how can i integrate the help jar file with the struts application.
Please help me out it is urgent.
Thanks and regards,
Partha Sarathi Chaudhuri
17 years ago
I have struts j2ee application deployed in oracle 10g application server.
I need a help for the application build in javahelp.
how can i integrate the help jar file with the struts application.
Please help me out it is urgent.
17 years ago
Sorry, I posted the topic twice.

I am using struts-menu 2.4.2 and struts 1.2.9.
Please tell me what to do.
18 years ago
I am using struts 1.2.9 and struts menu 2.3 .
I have a critical problem.
When i open a drop down menu , it hides under a combo in the page.
Please help me out. it is urgent.
18 years ago
I am using struts 1.2.9 and struts menu 2.3 .
I have a critical problem.
When i open a drop down menu , it hides under a combo in the page.
Please help me out. it is urgent.
18 years ago
can anyone help me out. it is urgent.
18 years ago
Hi, this is urgent. Can any one help me out.
18 years ago