Fran Kindred

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since Sep 22, 2004
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What will happen when you try to do an Http get on a servlet when the doget method not implemented on servlet. One answer to a question is code compiles blank page however another question says code compiles http get request not supported.

I believe the answer should ALWAYS be http get request not supported. Do you think its a typo in j2ee certificate mock exam question.
I tried rereading it so many times.. and I"m still lost... I tried to look at the example

A.jsp says <%@ include file=�dir/B.jsp�%> and dir/B.jsp says <%@ include
file=�C.jsp�%>. In this case the relative specification C.jsp resolves to dir/C.jsp.
� A.jsp says <jsp:include page=�dir/B.jsp�/> and dir/B.jsp says <jsp:include
page=�C.jsp� />. In this case the relative specification C.jsp resolves to dir/C.jsp.
� A.jsp says <jsp:include page=�dir/B.jsp�/> and dir/B.jsp says <%@ include
file=�C.jsp� %>. In this case the relative specification C.jsp resolves to dir/C.jsp.
� A.jsp says <%@ include file=�dir/B.jsp�%> and dir/B.jsp says <jsp:include
page=�C.jsp�/>. In this case the relative specification C.jsp resolves to C.jsp."

To understand but no luck
I'm still confused... I still do not see why it resolves to C.jsp.
Thanks but to clarify another confusion

If I have this on jsp1.jsp
<jsp:useBean id="person" class="com.models.Person" scope="session" >

and this on jsp2.jsp
<jsp:getProperty name="person" property="firstName">

How come this doesn't work? My only thought is because I need the standard action useBean to grab it again from session. Am I right?

This survives for the whole session:
<jsp:useBean id="person" class="com.models.Person" scope="session" >

Do you mean that another jsp can get this person object right? While the other one cant?
I'm still confused on the distinction between this two scopes

<jsp:useBean id="person" class="com.models.Person" scope="request" >
<jsp:useBean id="person" class="com.models.Person" scope="session" >

What would be the difference between the two?
Thanks again for your time and help Louise!!!
Thanks for replying Louise,

I actually did that same steps however at the security tab there is an enable security but then it prompts for

server id, password?

I'm not sure what id or password is this....?
my apologies, however, no luck my IDE is not a full blown app server I just have the test environment. any other ideas?
This is part of my web.xml file for some reason works in tomcat but I tried using Websphere application developer 5.0 and it doesn't.

I get an internal error, I'm sure I copied the files right? Many something missing when I'm using WSAD 5.0. Any ideas?

this is my error trace in the console
[Servlet Error]-[FormLoginServlet]: Servlet Not Found: FormLoginServlet

This is my web.xml file that worked in tomcat.


<web-resource-name>Security Test</web-resource-name>






Working towards the web component and business component certification.

I'm also planning the BEA Certification and IBM Websphere Training paths since these are the top 2 app servers.

Which would you guys focus on?
Same here purchased the HFS EJB and the Servlet & JSP one but was hoping there is a pdf so I can do some reading at work instead of bringing the book.
Confused about difference between threads, servlet instance.

When I type on the browser and try to hit the servlet. The servlets constructor is run then initialized, then the service method runs. After it runs it will then run its destroy method right?

My confusion is, how can then multiple threads run the same servlet object if it is destroyed after it completes its run method.
I understand it's really difficult to control the softcopy (eVersion) of the book. Its unfortunate for the people that purchased the book and have to deal with carrying it. Especially at minus 20 waiting for the bus on your way to commute to work.
Hi Everyone I"m trying to compile this servlet and I get this error.

C:\project1\beerV1>javac -classpath /"Program Files"/"Apache Software
"/"Tomcat 5.0"/common/lib/servlet-api.jar -d classes src/com/example/w

src/com/example/web/ package com.example.model does not exist
import com.example.model.*;
src/com/example/web/ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class BeerExpert
location: class com.example.web.BeerSelect
BeerExpert a = new BeerExpert();
src/com/example/web/ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class BeerExpert
location: class com.example.web.BeerSelect
BeerExpert a = new BeerExpert();
3 errors

my package structure

code in BeerSelect which I'm trying to compile

My model code

I cannot find a problem any ideas?