r vup

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since Sep 22, 2004
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I am using LTPA and custom registry for our application, by default SSO is enbaled when I configure LTPA and everything works fine.

If I disable SSO i get an error which says that I cannot disbale SSO.
Can I use LTPA and disable SSO in WAS 5.1 ND?

20 years ago
I have WebSphere Application Server ND installed on my desktop, and I am trying to automate deployment of my application onto an application server 'server1' which is being managed by the deployment manager.

When I install the application manually onto server1 using the Network Deployment Admin Console everything works fine.

When I execute the ant task wsInstallApp the ant process returns saying it has installed my application sucesfully, but When I look in the APP_INSTALL_DIR i donot see any of my application files.

Looks like the configuration is being updated becuase I see the application being listed in the Admin Console but the application binary files are not being copied correctly.

Anybody face this problem, any help will be appreciated.

20 years ago