Thank you all for your wishes.
This is my first exam in the IBM series. Next I am planning to take IBM 286 Exam.
Swapan, I personally feel that Reading Draft EJB 2.0 did really help me in knowing Websphere specific stuff. But I am afraid some of the topics related to Websphere Application server like for example Datasource connection pooling timeouts(CONN_TIMEOUT, AGED_TIMEOUT,UNUSED_TIMEOUT definitions) are not discussed in that book. So to understand those topics I referred Howard Kushner book. I also studied Profiling, Container calling Clients and Performance Tuning from Howard Kushner. But these topics can also be referred from WebSphere Application Server 5.0 System Admin and Configuration(SG24-6195).
Questions on Transactions were easy because recently I passed SCBCD exam.
I got a good score in enterprise components(EJB), Web components, Transactions, But scored low in WAS Related questions.
As I told you read WebSphere specific stuff like Inheritence for Example is not supported in EJB 2.0 but WS supports this. and Isolation levels in Transactions, WS Security related like JAAS, user registers etc.., also lot of questions are asked on Message Driven beans. Like for example questions on where to specify Message Listener Ports while developing MDBs and so on.
All the Best for your Exam.