Henry Wong

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since Sep 28, 2004
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Recent posts by Henry Wong

First, a big thanks to Paul Anilprem for being here to promote OCP Java Java Programmer SE 21 Practice Exams.

The winners are:

Mikalai Zaikin
Majid Hameed
Dalvir Singh Bains
Caleb Josue Ruiz Torres

Please send your snail mail address to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com. To ensure the quickest response, please provide the following:

Your name (first and last - if your CodeRanch name is different, please include both your real name and Ranch name)
Country (needed even if requesting an e-book)

Also, please include the following as the subject of your Email.

Promo Winner - OCP Java Java Programmer SE 21 Practice Exams - Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

Image from https://enthuware.com

As noted in the Book Promotion Eligibility Requirements and Legal type stuff, the winners have 8 days to submit their information. Within 3 days of receipt of your email, we will reply to let you know we got it. If you don't hear back, the goat might have eaten your email. Please let us know by posting in the Ranch Office so we can check on it. Once you have received your copy please let us know by editing the Book Promotions Winners Page and updating the 'Status' column to say you have it.

Thanks and congrats to all the winners.

This week, we're delighted to have Paul Anilprem helping to answer questions about the new OCP Java Java Programmer SE 21 Practice Exams.

The promotion starts Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 and will end on Friday, November 22nd, 2024

We'll be selecting four random posters in this forum to win a free copy of the electronic book/resource provided by the publisher, Enthuware.

Image from https://enthuware.com

Please see the Book Promotion page to ensure your best chances at winning!

Posts in this welcome thread are not eligible for the drawing, and should be reserved for welcoming the author. Questions posted in this topic are subject to removal.

First, a big thanks to Hanumant Deshmukh for being here to promote OCP Java 17 & 21 Programmer Certification Fundamentals.

The winners are:

Mikalai Zaikin
Theodore Casser
Vedran Custovic
Stephane Clinckart

Please send your snail mail address to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com. To ensure the quickest response, please provide the following:

Your name (first and last - if your CodeRanch name is different, please include both your real name and Ranch name)
Country (needed even if requesting an e-book)

Also, please include the following as the subject of your Email.

Promo Winner - OCP Java 17 & 21 Programmer Certification Fundamentals - Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Image from https://a.media-amazon.com

As noted in the Book Promotion Eligibility Requirements and Legal type stuff, the winners have 8 days to submit their information. Within 3 days of receipt of your email, we will reply to let you know we got it. If you don't hear back, the goat might have eaten your email. Please let us know by posting in the Ranch Office so we can check on it. Once you have received your copy please let us know by editing the Book Promotions Winners Page and updating the 'Status' column to say you have it.

Thanks and congrats to all the winners.

This week, we're delighted to have Hanumant Deshmukh helping to answer questions about the new OCP Java 17 & 21 Programmer Certification Fundamentals.

The promotion starts Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 and will end on Friday, June 7th, 2024

We'll be selecting four random posters in this forum to win a free copy of the electronic book/resource provided by the publisher, Enthuware.

Image from https://a.media-amazon.com

Please see the Book Promotion page to ensure your best chances at winning!

Posts in this welcome thread are not eligible for the drawing, and should be reserved for welcoming the author. Questions posted in this topic are subject to removal.
First, a big thanks to Wim Deblauwe for being here to promote the book Modern frontends with htmx.

The winners are:

Albert Attard
Luca Botti
Fintan Conway
Maarten Mulders

Please send your snail mail address to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com. To ensure the quickest response, please provide the following:

Your name (first and last - if your CodeRanch name is different, please include both your real name and Ranch name)
Country (needed even if requesting an e-book)
Phone Number

Also, please include the following as the subject of your Email.

Book Promo Winner - Modern frontends with htmx - Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

Image from https://d2sofvawe08yqg.cloudfront.net

As noted in the Book Promotion Eligibility Requirements and Legal type stuff, the winners have 8 days to submit their information. Within 3 days of receipt of your email, we will reply to let you know we got it. If you don't hear back, the goat might have eaten your email. Please let us know by posting in the Ranch Office so we can check on it. Once you have received your copy please let us know by editing the Book Promotions Winners Page and updating the 'Status' column to say you have it.

Thanks and congrats to all the winners.
10 months ago
This week, we're delighted to have Wim Deblauwe helping to answer questions about the new book Modern frontends with htmx.

The promotion starts Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 and will end on Friday, March 8th, 2024

We'll be selecting four random posters in this forum to win a free e-copy of the book provided.

Image from https://d2sofvawe08yqg.cloudfront.net

Please see the Book Promotion page to ensure your best chances at winning!

Posts in this welcome thread are not eligible for the drawing, and should be reserved for welcoming the author. Questions posted in this topic are subject to removal.
11 months ago
First, a big thanks to Darcy DeClute for being here to promote the book Darcy DeClute's Scrum Master Certification Guide: The Definitive Resource for Passing the CSM and PSM Exams.

The winners are:

Olufisayo Deji
Matthew Nelson
Cameron Wallace McKenzie
satya Priya Sundar

Please send your snail mail address to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com. To ensure the quickest response, please provide the following:

Your name (first and last - if your CodeRanch name is different, please include both your real name and Ranch name)
Country (needed even if requesting an e-book)
Phone Number

Also, please include the following as the subject of your Email.

Book Promo Winner - Darcy DeClute's Scrum Master Certification Guide: The Definitive Resource for Passing the CSM and PSM Exams - Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Image from https://m.media-amazon.com

As noted in the Book Promotion Eligibility Requirements and Legal type stuff, the winners have 8 days to submit their information. Within 3 days of receipt of your email, we will reply to let you know we got it. If you don't hear back, the goat might have eaten your email. Please let us know by posting in the Ranch Office so we can check on it. Once you have received your copy please let us know by editing the Book Promotions Winners Page and updating the 'Status' column to say you have it.

Thanks and congrats to all the winners.

Darcy DeClute wrote:
And I will explain the Christopher Walken referneces before the CodeRanch sheriffs kick us out for tomfoolery!!!

Coderanch moderations tends to be more relaxed for book promotions, so, I wouldn't worry too much about being "kicked out"...

On the other hand, as an FYI. there are eligibility rules, so, some posts may not be considered as an entry for the book drawing.
This week, we're delighted to have Darcy DeClute helping to answer questions about the new book Darcy DeClute's Scrum Master Certification Guide: The Definitive Resource for Passing the CSM and PSM Exams.

The promotion starts Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 and will end on Friday, December 8th, 2023

We'll be selecting four random posters in this forum to win a free copy of the book provided by the author and publisher, Darcy DeClute.

Image from https://m.media-amazon.com

Please see the Book Promotion page to ensure your best chances at winning!

Posts in this welcome thread are not eligible for the drawing, and should be reserved for welcoming the author. Questions posted in this topic are subject to removal.

Darcy DeClute wrote:
Thank you Henry. I can't wait!!!

I guess we can start it a couple of hours early....  

1 year ago

Darcy DeClute wrote:I'm super flattered to have been invited to do a book promotion next week.

Welcome to the Ranch Darcy. This book promotion should begin around tomorrow night, and will be taking place in the Ranch's Agile forum. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask here.

1 year ago

Tim Holloway wrote:I think that more accurately, JMS probably needs to be configured and registered properly within WAS and possibly the application deployment.

I don't know why IBM has the option to use JMS APIs without JNDI -- perhaps it is because many of their customer apps don't use Java. Regardless, you may be correct, in that JMS may also not be configured and registered properly. Working with Websphere has always been an area that I depended on an Administrator for...  
1 year ago

Omkar Puli wrote:i have similar problem and would like to get your feedback

Basically, JNDI for Websphere is not configured by default -- so when you encounter such an error, it may be a good idea to talk to your Websphere administrator. My administrator fixed it, the last few times that this happened.
1 year ago

Anil Philip wrote:
I think there is a miscommunication.
The compiler will look at the "add()" and verify it is a type of BigCat.
When it looks at the declaration of the list, it will determine what kind of list. Please see my post again.

Unfortunately, the compiler is not able to determine the type of the list object. It must follow the Java Specification and there isn't any part of it that allows it to figure it out based on the assignment. Also, just because you can figure it out in your example, it doesn't mean that the specification can be done to allow the compiler to figure it out in all cases. For example, what if you changed the assignment to a method parameter? In that case, you won't be able to figure out the original type -- so, how do you expect the compiler to figure it out?

First, a big thanks to Shai Almog for being here to promote Java Basics: A Practical Introduction to Full-Stack Java.

The winners are:

Carl McGee
Tim Holloway
Piet Souris
Gary W. Lucas

Please send your snail mail address to bookpromotion AT javaranch DOT com. To ensure the quickest response, please provide the following:

Your name (first and last - if your CodeRanch name is different, please include both your real name and Ranch name)
Country (needed even if requesting an e-book)
* Winners: Java Basics: A Practical Introduction to Full-Stack Java

Also, please include the following as the subject of your Email.

Promo Winner - Java Basics: A Practical Introduction to Full-Stack Java - Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

Image from https://m.media-amazon.com

As noted in the Book Promotion Eligibility Requirements and Legal type stuff, the winners have 8 days to submit their information. Within 3 days of receipt of your email, we will reply to let you know we got it. If you don't hear back, the goat might have eaten your email. Please let us know by posting in the Ranch Office so we can check on it. Once you have received your copy please let us know by editing the Book Promotions Winners Page and updating the 'Status' column to say you have it.

Thanks and congrats to all the winners.
1 year ago