Luke Shannon

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since Sep 30, 2004
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Recent posts by Luke Shannon

Apologies, this is more of a statement than a question. I recently was googling for something and got directed to this site, it has been a while. The familiar logo and format brought back some memories. My java journey started in 2004 and this forum was really all I had. I spent many a night combing these pages and refreshing my posts hoping someone had replied. I got my first app live that year and I would have never done it without help from Bear Bibeault (and others of course - but mostly Bear). At present day I'm still writing Java. I feel this site, and the moderators like Bear gave me the start I needed. Not sure I ever properly said thank you :-)
5 years ago

For a long time I have looked for a Java CMS I can use to create simple web sites (just static info with easy to use navigation and a contact page) and easily maintain them.

I took a look at Alfresco a while back, and I was not able to figure out just clicking around in the application how to create a simple site. Perhaps Alfresco is over kill for something like this?

Is this a topic your book covers? Is Alfresco the right choice for generating simple sites?


Thanks Dave. The URL was indeed wrong, also it looks like I did need to add the pageIndex parameter to the form bean. I did find out the Action I was working in (and trying to map in the Struts config) is extended by another Action that is already configured. I was able to access my method through this class so I no longer needed the mapping I posted earlier.

I have an experienced struts person working with me now so everything is back on track.

Thanks for your reply.
15 years ago

This is my firs time working with struts and I am working in an existing application. I need to expose a method in an Action and am getting a "does not contain specified method" exception. I suspect I have not configured the action correctly (do I need a form bean?). Also I have an extra parameter (page) that I am not sure how to map.

Any tips?

Below are my details.

Here is the Struts config

In an action, that extends DispatchAction, I have the following method (code reduced for brevity):

I call the action like this.

The error I get is:

15 years ago

I have an Entity called Audit with a member called Materials which is a collection of Material Entities:

In Material I have:

The table that is created is:

This what I would expect. However the issue I have is I can't delete an Audit without getting a 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails' exception on this table.

I have been reading through the Annotations reference guide and I am still not sure how to map this so I can delete Audits and have the Materials persist but the material_audit mappings removed. Its actually not even important for me to ever list all the Audits for a material, (I only want to show an Audit and its associated Materials) so I may not need the Audits member in Materials (if that helps at all).

Any tips would be great.

This has got it Ben, thanks very much.

Another issue was this was being included in another page when the application runs (this is how I was testing), I thought there was a <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%> in the page doing the including, but I just found out there wasn't. Once I added that to my page everything was great.
16 years ago
The jar in the lib directory is jstl-1.1.2.jar.
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply Ben, my issue is I am not sure how to get the session attribute with EL. Here is what I have now. Still not working like its intended too.

[ April 09, 2008: Message edited by: Luke Shannon ]
16 years ago
I have the code below. The first line (toString) writes all the values that were placed in the array, line two (size) gives the correct size...but the loop writes out nothing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

16 years ago

Is it possible to dynamically set an attribute in the page tag? The above doesn't work, the expression is being processed literally. Is hard coding this the only way to do it?


18 years ago
This posting is pretty close to what I am looking for.

Adding Watermarks To Stored Images
18 years ago
Does anyone have any experience they would like to share watermarking images using Java?


18 years ago
Thank you both. It is all clear now.
18 years ago
I am unclear about what calling response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); does. The documentation says:

Sets the content type of the response being sent to the client.

I was having trouble understanding how this was achieved (ie: How I can verify it is working).

I just found this blog posting, it works with JSP, but is doing something similar to what I want to do:

web page
18 years ago

Our site is moving to multi language.

All of our actions extand a base action. On that page I have added the following:

response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

However when I look at the source of a generated html page I don't see a meta tag with the charset equal to UTF-8.

Before I start tracing the response object to see if the type is being over written what should I expect to see in the generated HTML when setting the type in this way?

Also does any one have any other tips/suggestions related to adding multi language support to an existing site (previously only english).


18 years ago