Dharamvir (DV) Punia

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since Oct 04, 2004
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Recent posts by Dharamvir (DV) Punia

Here is a little sample:

19 years ago

Few things to look at:
1. your driver jar file might not be in your classpath.
2. If you do have the driver jar file in your path, then you might be using the wrong name check for spelling mistakes.
3. If you don't have the driver, try to find one for the required db.

I hope this helps.
!!! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all Java Ranchers !!!

Best Wishes,
DV Punia
[ December 25, 2004: Message edited by: Dharamvir (DV) Punia ]
20 years ago
Has anyone ever tried signing xml documents using XML Digital Signature? If so I would truly appreciate if someone can put some reference links or some sample code on doing that.

What I would suggest you is do this from scratch again, then follow the article to fix the mapping for datahandler and see if it works. It seems like there is problem with schema mapping for DataHandler in your wsdl or mppaing.xml.

Check this url for mapping (make sure to check Table 3. Sending blobs: Apache SOAP type mapping

20 years ago
You might want to check the datatype of your columns in DB2, make sute its "varchar", you will get this error if there is conflict with data types meaning your setting in your string in your prepared statemnent as shown below:
But one of them might not be a proper data type in db2, that's why it will go in an invalid state, if you still have problems, post you Table ddl for you Libaray.table1, i will take a look at it. What version of db2 you are using?

You might also want to specify in your insert statements:

If still doesn't work then try the following statement , just to see if you can insert it:
At least this will give you an idea that there is nothing wrong with the datatypes in db2.

Let me know if it helps.
I have never used TCPMon which comes with axis but I do use TCP/IP Monitor which comes with wsad. In order to track your reponse from external host, you need to change your settings in your tcp ip monitor to reflect "Remote Host Name" or "Remote host" which ever is used by TCPMon.

e.g in wsad, I can specify the following:
local port = 9081
Remote Host Name= www.javaranch.com
Remote Port = 80

So using same idea, you should be able to apply on TCPMon.

20 years ago
Hi Siva,
Sorry that article didn't help you much.
Anyway, if this is your web service method public String getPDF(File appFile), I believe you might have to use "DataHandler" istead of File in your method param because there is no direct mapping for file. So try it, it might do the trick.

I hope this helps

20 years ago
When I was exploring on web services I came across few good articles on WebServices security,Here are the links :

Building secure Web services with WebSphere Studio: Part 1: XML signature

Build secure Web services with WebSphere Studio

I hope they help.
20 years ago
Hi William,
Thanks for putting up a reference link for base64 encoder, I will definately look into it.
20 years ago
Hi William,
I don't have to worry about encoding here, all I have to worry about is decoding.

This is the scenario: I will receive a post request on a servlet which will have the xml data with binary , so I have to parse the xml document and the node elements, and one of node elements would be binary attachment. What Can I use to decode it, wouldn't Balaji's approach work in this case. If you can, Can you post some links to reference sites or sampes on how to decode it using base64 or anyother way, It doesn't matter what apprach I use, all I care about is getting the binary data.
20 years ago
Thanks Balaji. I will try that approach. If you look at the <Data> field in below xml, don't I need to decode it using some kind of base 64 decoder.
Once again tanks for your response.

20 years ago
Does anyone have a sample code or reference links on how to send and read binary data in xml. I mean instead of attachment, you can attach files in binary format in xml using base64 to hexadecimal, I cann't use Saaj or axis so I need to put the attachment in xml. Any links or samples would be appreciated.

20 years ago