Jiwoong Lee

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since Oct 06, 2004
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Hi. All

Now I am working B&S with serious problem.

This is my given interface from SUN. And I am trying to use RMI. but As you know, There is no throw RemoteException. So i am really wordering that does it possible if i extend DBMain interface ? Because my assignment sheet said

"Your data access class must be called "Data.java", must be in a package called "suncertify.db", and must implement the following interface".

and It doesn't mention about modification and extension, Only Said implements given interface. so I am really confused what should i do...
some people said in this forum, Never modify and If You decide to use RMI. Adapter Pattern is the only way. But actually I don't understand well so...Plz help me the way as much detail as possible...
Sorry for my poor English, And
Thanks in advance.

Jiwoong Lee
[email protected]
SCJP 1.4
OCP 9i
SCJD(IN progress)
I think the interface which is provided by SUN shows essential method U should implement. So you don't change any prototype, any parameter, any return type. But U can extend this interface if U need something else like another method or exception ...


SCJP 1.4
OCP 9i
[ October 14, 2004: Message edited by: Jiwoong Lee ]
Hi All.
I am working B&S , but now I am really wondering about How to know the record number if I select any record in my JTable. should i remain renNo also ? plz help me~ Thanks in advance.
Hi All.

I am working with B&S.
but I have a question about database.
when i read db-2x2.db file using RandomAccessFile. I am not sure how to handle EOFException. Just use catch clause and throw some message ?
or something else ?

thanks for your reply
Hello all

Now i am working B&S.
But i am wordering How can i get all of record count. Do i need new method in my DBMain class ? or is there imformation about that in my header or some where ?