Liviu Carausu

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since Oct 07, 2004
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I currently purchased from Whizlabs the OCPJP 8 Upgrade Tests. I have problems receiving the bill per email from Whizlabs. They are not answering any of my mails, I have tried also the chat function from the web site and to call at the number from the first page. No success.

Has anybody received the bill for their purchase from Whizlabs ? How can I really contact them ?


Paweł Baczyński wrote:I passed 1Z1-810 Upgrade to Java SE 8 Programmer beta exam with an amazing score of 73% (the passing score is 65%).

Not the greatest result one can hope for but given my very limited time to study I am not disappointed.

I used Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient by Cay S. Horstmann as my main resource and a study guide by Mikalai Zaikin as a refresher/summary.

Congratulations Pawel !
Were you already Java SE 7 Certified before taking this exam ? Thanks, Liviu
9 years ago

Baba Sahbi wrote:
For security topic, there is no particular question related to jsf, it's all about securing a web application (programmatically or in a declarative fashion).

Hi Baba,
I have another question regarding security. How deep are going the security questions : also at the servlet level @ServletSecurity, with @HttpConstraint and @HttpMethodConstraint and so on ?


Baba Sahbi wrote:Hello liviu,
I don't remembrer any question specifically asking about html 5, but i do remembrer a couple of questions having "use html 5" as a possible answer.
For security topic, there is no particular question related to jsf, it's all about securing a web application (programmatically or in a declarative fashion).
Last but not least, there were a couple of questions about the use of ui:Debug component.
Hope that helps.

Hi Baba,
I have only two days left, started since yesterday to read the specs, sometimes is really difficult to follow.
Which documentation did you use for preparing to the exam ?

Baba Sahbi wrote:
The most recurring subjects are JSF phases and PhaseListeners, standard/custom validators and converters and facelets syntax (composite components, templating..).

Hi Baba,
Thank you very much about your informations...
Do you remember, there were questions regarding about enhancing JSF application using HTML5 components ? securing a JSF application ?
what about debugging techniques in a JSF application ?

As I read from the Oracle web site, as Exam Topics :

Introducing the Auction Application:
- Describe the auction application
- Define the domain objects of the auction application
- Describe the implementation model for the auction system

Reading the exam topics I will expect direct questions regarding this application....

Have I correctly understood ?

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Taking this course from Oracle and knowledge of Auction Application is not critical for 1Z0-898. In "Pro JPA 2.0" all samples are much more detailed and verbose than in Auction Application (you can use source code for the book from Apress web site).

Howdy Mikalai,

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:
Unfortunately, it's available only for those who take this course, it's not available for free download.

The good news is that Enthuware has similar Toy Application for JPA

Best regards,

I know the Toy Application for JPA from enthuware ( I also bought their mocks).
The strange thing is that Oracle requires to know the Auction Application which is included only in one paid course.
This means that I cannot prepare for the exam without paying for that course. Correct ?

Thank you,


Does anybody has a clue what the Auction Application is ? ( From the JPA exam topics ...)

I have found only this link ...



Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Well, I can suggest you to look at the Prometric web site (

It shows both registration date and the date you took the test.


Thanks Mikalai, this was what I was looking for.



Beta test results are normally announced after a couple of months (10 weeks as mentioned above). Be patient and check the site after 10 weeks. 8-)

Best regards,

I know that it takes about 10 weeks to receive the result but I thought that the certmanager will show the date when the exam was taken.
Have you also took the beta exam and your certmanager is not updated ?
I took yesterday the beta exam. I looked today in the my sun/oracle account (
and the test is not mentioned there as being taken. Is it normal ? It takes more days to actualize the state or what ?


Hi Anu,

I also could not give up the opportunity ....

I have tried the example that you posted on GlassFish 3.0.1 And it runs with no problems.



Parth Twari wrote:Is there any kind of programatic authentication? I had read about programmatic authorization .But as far as i know about authentication you have to use the DD's element <login-config> .

But HF page 846 , Q. 37 says

It is not necessary to use DD of the application in order to verfiy that users are who they say they are. Use programmatic authentication instead.

What is right ?

Hi Parth,

Regarding the older Servlet Specification, you can use

in order to verify that users are who they say they are.

I think that real programmatic authentication is introduced with Servlet 3.0 spec in HttpServletRequest :

It uses the container login mechanism configured for the ServletContext to authenticate the user making this request.
No additional configuration is necessary to have the login popup window displayed.
Only a .

With Servlet 3.0. there is more there for programmatic authentication :
