Edward Durai

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since Oct 09, 2004
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Recent posts by Edward Durai

hello experts,

i tried to configure web based java application. but my customize settings.xml content is missing.

so after saving the information.

i am getting

javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception

please advise

15 years ago
without uploading the document, is it possible to open and save the existing server document?

please advise.
16 years ago
Hello Experts,

I am using tomcat 5.0 for my web application. I am storing excel files in the tomcat server loaction.

i am displaying files with links for viewing the file.

but if i change any content of the viewing file after saving, it is not affected.

how can i edit the server files?

Please advise.
16 years ago
Hello Sir,

My input number is looks like 123456789

But using java program, if i read that number, i am getting 123456789.00

how can I avoid that.

Whatever I give the number, java should be display the same.
suppose if i give the input 123456789.00,
it should be displayed the same output.

Is it possible?

Please advise.
[ November 07, 2008: Message edited by: Edward Durai ]
16 years ago
I have swing JPopupMenu like

protected JPopupMenu remoteTreePopup;


according to the above code,
if i right click the swing jpopupmenu, all the 4 label actions will be default actions.

how can I allow/view createFolderAction only.

Please give some ideas.

Thanks and Regards,
16 years ago
i want to display in dialog like table/any format
FromDate | Invalid Date
UserName | UserName should contain atlease 5 characters
MarksSecured | It should be numeric
16 years ago
Hello experts,

I have 2 string arrays.

String[] fieldnameLabel = {"FromDate", "UserName", "MarksSecured" };
String[] errorContent = {"Invalid Date", "UserName should contain atleast 5 characters", "It should be numeric" };

Using swing,

I want to display like

Expected Output:

FromDateInvalid Date
UserNameUserName should contain atlease 5 characters
MarksSecured It should be numeric

Please advise.
16 years ago

i have a input like

13/12/2008 (dd/mm/yyyy) or 13-12-2008,

I want to change the format to 12/13/2008 (mm/dd/yyyy) or 12-13-2008.

Is it possible? Is there any function available?

Please advise.
16 years ago
hello Ulf Dittmer,

are you there?

any help....
16 years ago
can i post the code?
[ August 11, 2008: Message edited by: Edward Durai ]
16 years ago

I have downloaded 2d line graph www.reconn.us website, It's looking good. But when I give -ve values in the y axis, it is not showing properly.

please advise.

thanks and regards,
16 years ago
please advise regarding the above problem

16 years ago
I have installed JDK1.5 in my local system,

And 1 tomcat5.0 installed in c drive. during the installation, i have given port 8080
And 1 tomcat5.0 installed in e drive. during the installation, i have given port 8081

during both tomcat installation, i have specified c:\program files\java\jdk1.5 path.

First i have started c: tomcat startup.bat, it is started.

after i tried d: tomcat start.bat, it is not started.

But I got exception like

StandardServer.await: create[8005]: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

For Both tomcat's installation, i have given the same JDK1.5 path only. Is there any need to install one more JDK1.5 (each tomcat needs, separate jdk1.5 or not ?)

Please advise
16 years ago
i got only screen capture finished only. i did not get any error messages using - printstack trace.

please advise.

any reply...
[ August 03, 2008: Message edited by: Edward Durai ]
16 years ago

I have created 1 batch file named as Start.bat, for running executable jar file. That command looks like

java -jar ExecutableJarFileName.jar

When I run the Start.bat, It's opening and running. That's fine.

But if I want to close that window/ exit that window, What command, I have to use.

Please advise.
16 years ago