I have installed JDK1.5 in my local system,
And 1 tomcat5.0 installed in c drive. during the installation, i have given port 8080
And 1 tomcat5.0 installed in e drive. during the installation, i have given port 8081
during both tomcat installation, i have specified c:\program files\java\jdk1.5 path.
First i have started c: tomcat startup.bat, it is started.
after i tried d: tomcat start.bat, it is not started.
But I got exception like
StandardServer.await: create[8005]: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
For Both tomcat's installation, i have given the same JDK1.5 path only. Is there any need to install one more JDK1.5 (each tomcat needs, separate jdk1.5 or not ?)
Please advise