Priya Lavti

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since Oct 11, 2004
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Recent posts by Priya Lavti

yes, I am doing the same.
But even then the dialog appears on top of parent window after selecting the parent window.

The JDiaog window is still shown on top of parent window but is inactive state (i.e. not selected/focused). It hinders the view of parent window when doing any operation on parent window.

15 years ago

I have a JDialog window which remain always on top even if I select the previous window.

what is the change i need to do so that the JDialog window goes in back when i select parent window?
Or do i need to use something else than JDialog?

15 years ago

I am facing a meory leak in my web application. My requirement is to generate a report and display it in the HTML table. The report may have max of 1000 records and 400 fields. Fist time when i generate the report, it works fine, but second time and onwards i get heap memory error. I am suspecting some meory leak there.

I am using JProbe to trace the meory leak. Here the problem is I have my properties files also with java classes. So every time when do some operation, I get an error in the profiler saying can not instrument file.

At this time I can not change my design to keep properties file out of the source folder.
Is there any way to mention filter in .jpl file, not to instrument .properties files
17 years ago
Thanks to you all!!!
17 years ago
Hi All,

You can get the SCJP1.4 Pre-Exam Essentials at SCJP Pre-Exam Essentials.
A vey good summary of all the topics is given here.

All the Best!!!
hey Chaya

Its better to first read head first java and then K&B. But since you have less time if you are familier with the basics of java, you can directly jump to K&B. Its a great book for SCJP

All the Best!!!
Yesterday I passed SCJP 5.0 with 88%
A bit much than I expected...
Many-Many thanks to Kaithy and Bates fot the wonderful book
And the two minute drill for each chapter is awesome...

Now gearing up for SCWCD....
17 years ago
Congrats Bob

I am also planning to take SCWCD 1.4
What are other study materials did you refer other than HFSJ...
I am also preparing for SCJP 5
I want clarify one thing for the exam.
Do they provide number of correct answers for a each question??
I found The Pre-Exam Essentials for SCJP1.4 very useful.

It will be great if the same will be provided for SCJP 5!!!
this is just for debugging.
Coz I am hitting the submit button only once, but the JSP page is called two times and that too happen randomly.
18 years ago
Hi All,

Is there any way in JSP by which we can find which page has sent the request.
For e.g. if A.jsp has sent the request to B.jsp, By any API, can we find out in B that page A has sent the request?
18 years ago
yes I am sure, coz I was actually having System.out.println (SOP) in both the place, catch block and try block. And 1st it is pritning the SOP of catch followed by of the try block.

Here I have caught the SAXException at TransmitManager in a catch block and then throwing my user defined exception and catching that into the jsp file.

And also the 1st line in bold is in the catch block and the last line is in the try block. That is why I am sure controling is flowing from catch block to try block.
SAXException is thrown and control is also going to catch block.
But after that its returning back to try block... that is what strange here...
Hi all,

I am getting SAXException while parsing even though my XML is well formed. I am using DOM parser here.
It is written in the API that SAXException can be thrown for both error and warning. Is there any way to ignore the warnings coming while parsing and hence no SAXException is thrown.

One more weird behavior I am getting is that when I catch the SAXException, it executes the catch block and after that control goes to the next line from where the exception was thrown, and that line is in try block itself. I'll show this with code example:

Ideally when SAXException is thrown on line 3, control should go to the line 7 and the to line 9 after the catch block. But in current senario control is going to line 4 after line 7. It is something very strange happening. My guess is, is it because of some property of SAXException, when thrown for warning?

Any suggetion/advice in this regard will be helpful.
Thanks in advance