Amos Coats

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since Oct 11, 2004
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Originally posted by Ann McCall:
Hi Neil,
Congrats! One question, though, what do you mean by "Also I think the fact that you know how many answers are correct in the exam helps bump the score up."


The questions on both the real exam as in the Mocck exam of the HF book are multiple choice with 1 or more question being correct.
In book it is not indicated what the number of correct answers is, as on the real exam where it is indicated whether 1,2,3, or even 4 answers/choices are correct.
(Of course they don't tell which ones are the correct ones. )
[ July 26, 2005: Message edited by: Amos Coats ]

[ July 26, 2005: Message edited by: Amos Coats ]
[ July 26, 2005: Message edited by: Amos Coats ]
19 years ago
Amazing score
Well done.
19 years ago
Could it be because the afterCompletion method, unlike the others, runs in a unspecified transaction context?
Correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that you are more involved infrastructure architecture than application architecture, what SCEA is about.
I think if the beanmethod encounters a NullPointerException, the bean will be discarded since this is SytemException, and the client will recieve a RemoteException or a EJBException. What the client does with its own transaction is up to the client.
Hey it easy to figure out why if you know that a MDB is never called in Tx of a client.
So then the logic is:

ReqNew - does not make sense since the is no "old" transaction

Mand - if you specify this the method will alway throw an exception of course this can never be what you want

Never - This is allways the case so why should you specify it again? you specify Never to throw an exception when a method is called in Tx context, bit this nver happens with a MDB so why specify Never

Supports - There is no client Tx to Support!!!