Priya Kannan

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since Jan 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Priya Kannan

Hi All,
I have a JInternalFrame to which I've added a JPanel.It can be resized. Now I want to limit the resize bounds of the JInternalFrame. I tried using the ComponentListener & the componentResized method. But even after I use this I am not able to stop the resizing completely. The Frame gets dragged and when it is let go, it assumes its default width & height. Now I wanna stop resizing AS SOON AS someone tries to. I guess I've made my doubt clear.
Do help!
23 years ago
Thanks a Million Gregg!!!
Your reply was an eye-opener.
23 years ago
Hello All!
I have a JPanel with many other panels added to it in Grid Layout. I have added this main panel to a JScrollPane. The number of panels added to the grid can be determined only during run time. So I have set the height of the JScrollPane to this run time variable. Everything goes well except for the "down arrow" button in the Scroll Bar. It is not visible. I know not what to do. Please help!!!
23 years ago
I'm developing a drag and drop application. I drag labels(with icons set) by changing their x & y positions using MouseMotionListener. I add this array of labels to a panel in order. The problem is when I drag the labels, the labels that are added last, go below the ones that were added first(due to the order in which they were added). They don't overlap. I want all labels irrespective of their order of addition to the panel, to overlap all other labels when they are dragged individually.
Please help.
23 years ago
I'm developing a drag and drop application. I drag labels(with icons set) by changing their x & y positions using MouseMotionListener. I add this array of labels to a panel in order. The problem is when I drag the labels, the labels that are added last, go below the ones that were added first(due to the order in which they were added). They don't overlap. I want all labels irrespective of their order of addition to the panel, to overlap all other labels when they are dragged individually.
Please help.
23 years ago
I'm developing a drag and drop application. I drag labels(with icons set) by changing their x & y positions using MouseMotionListener. I add this array of labels to a panel in order. The problem is when I drag the labels, the labels that are added last, go below the ones that were added first(due to the order in which they were added). They don't overlap. I want all labels irrespective of their order of addition to the panel, to overlap all other labels when they are dragged individually.
Please help.
23 years ago
Thanks Pal! But how do I get my hands on this plug-in. Do explain please.
priya kannan
23 years ago
Hello All,
I have done an application with many images. I've placed these images in the Apache server's htdocs folder. But when I run my application, it comes without the images. I don't know what the problem is.Please help.
priya kannan
23 years ago
Hello All,
Can anybody please tell me how to run a swing program on a browser?
Priya Kannan
23 years ago
Hello all,
I want to display some text using font face "Webdings Bold" in my application. How do I enable this font.(I'm using JBuilder 5)Please help.
Priya Kannan
23 years ago
Hello all,
I want to display some text using font face "Webdings Bold" in my application. How do I enable this font.(I'm using JBuilder 5)Please help.
Priya Kannan
23 years ago
Hello All,
Is there any means of getting rid of the title bar of the JInternalFrame ???
I'm developing an application in which I'm using JDesktopPane and I want to embed many JInternalFrames in it which can be closed independent of other JInternalFrames. I don't know how to get the JWindow behaviour for the JInternalFrame. Any suggestions welcome.
Please help.Thanks.
Priya Kannan
23 years ago
Hello All,
Is there any means of getting rid of the title bar of the JInternalFrame ???
I'm developing an application in which I'm using JDesktopPane and I want to embed many JInternalFrames in it which can be closed independent of other JInternalFrames. I don't know how to get the JWindow behaviour for the JInternalFrame. Any suggestions welcome.
Please help.Thanks.
Priya Kannan
23 years ago
Hello All,
Is there any means for making the title bar(the violet portion) of the JInternalFrame not visible???
Please help.Thanks.
Priya Kannan
23 years ago
That solves my problem.
Thanks a lot Mike.
23 years ago