Neha D

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Recent posts by Neha D

Heyy thanx for the code. But when I tried implementing this code, it blanked out all the cells of the JTable. Could you let me know some other solution for the problem.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I want to have a feature with JTable wherein I'll provide a textfield to enter a value to be searched from the JTable and if this entered value matches with any of the cell values in the JTable then that particular cell should be highlighted & the cell font should be turned to BOLD. The values will be matched when the user presses Enter key after specifying the value in the text field.

Now I am able to search a value from the JTable, & on a successful search I call the TableCellRenderer. But the thing is on a successful search I try & edit that particular cell so that it is selected. But the method editCellAt(row, column) returns a false. And also how do I give a focus on that particular matched cell. Due to this even if the cell renderer runs it reflects me no change in the JTable cell.

Can anyone plz help me out with this problem. It is very urgent.
All help is appreciated.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I wanna use the JBalloonToolTip in my applet but without using any third party jar file which is JBalloon.jar. Without importing this jar file can I use this type of tooltip? And even if I try to import the above jar file, I get the error saying "Cannot change javax.swing 1.2.2 because it is required by the system.." as the ToolTipManager class also changes for incorporating the JBalloonToolTip methods.

Can anyone please suggest me with a solution for the above problem.

Thanx in advance.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I wanna implement the Escape key event for all the dialog boxes in my applet. I have given the key event listener on all the dialogs wherein if the key code is VK_ESCAPE then I dispose that particular dialog.

This works fine for some dialogs, also fine for dialogs which have text fields & text areas on it & these components having the focus. But the problem is for dialogs having JTables on it. If the focus is on the table then esc key doesnt work for the dialog. Even for the combo boxes as conbo boxes do not have key event handlers.

But I need to fix this problem for dialogs containing tables.

Can anyone plz suggest me a solution for this problem.

All help is appreciated.


19 years ago
Hi Tad,

Well I am encountering this problem as soon as my applet gets loaded. On clicking on the main tab I see the first tab on it as blank. I also tried using revalidate(), validate() & also repaint() on the tabbed pane & also on the JTable which is placed on a JScrollPane on this tab but it shows me no change. It still remains blank. And this occurs only sometimes.

Can you suggest as what can be done to resolve this issue.


- Neha.......
19 years ago
Hi All,

I have a JTabbedPane with 3 tabs. The first tab has a JScrollPane which further holds a JTable. But sometimes what happens is the JTable doesnt get refreshed & a blank tab is displayed. When I click on the second tab & then come back to the first tab, then I can see the JTable with the data.
So the problem is with the JTable not getting refreshed. Can anyone please explain me as to why this happens and help me out with this problem. I need this urgently.
All help is appreciated.


- Neha....
19 years ago
Heyy Vijay,

I checked out the Internet properties & only one out of those check boxes was not checked, so I did tht & then again loaded my applet but still it did not reflect me of any changes. What I think is tht can the problem be with the component ie I am trying to use a JTable cell for displaying blinking images. So may be the renderer may not be able to display the image when the applet is loaded thr' the browser but then this works fine when it is run thr' appletviewer....


- Neha
[ February 18, 2005: Message edited by: Neha D ]
20 years ago
Hi John,

Well I have also tried out using jdk1.4.2_06 jdk version & plugin 1.4 but no progress.. Theres something more I need to do for this. If you find any solution for this plz suggest it to me too...


- Neha....
20 years ago
Heyy thanx John.

Well yea wht you said is right. I am using jdk version 1.2.2 with java plugin version 1.3.1_10 for IE browser. I can see all the other icons but these two are giving me some problems. Using the renderer I am displaying these two icons but does not reflect me of any change.


- Neha......
20 years ago
Hi all,

The problem is that when I am running my applet as an application or in appletviewer I can see the blinking image which is displayed in a JTable cell. It works absolutely fine. Same is the case with the JTable header - I wanna display icons indicating the order of the sorting performed on that particular clicked column header. It works fine when I am running the applet. But the blinking effect & these sorting order icons are not visible when I load my applet thr' a browser.

Can anybody plz help me out as to where the problem is & why is this happening?? It is very urgent.

All help will be appreciated....


- Neha.......
20 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to display icons for JTable headers which are single line & multiline headers. When a header is clicked the icon is added to a vector. Then the header text is checked for single line & multiline text & then even this text is added to the same vector. Then by using the setListData(vector) & by using a ListCellRenderer for a JLabel this is being changed to a JLabel & is then displayed.

But the problem is that for single line headers the icon & the text string appear in the same line & therefore the whole text is not visible.

The second problem is that for multiline headers the icon in the vector is being replaced by the header text & it only displays the normal multiline header without the icon.

Well the same code works perfectly fine with jdk1.4 & now I want the same thing for jdk1.2. For jdk1.4 the icon appears below the text string by default.

Can anyone please tell me where the problem is. Has the ListCellRenderer changed for these 2 jdk versions??

Please suggest me how do I proceed with this problem.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


-- Neha.

[ December 27, 2004: Message edited by: Neha D ]
[ December 27, 2004: Message edited by: Neha D ]
20 years ago

I want multi line headers for a table with header icons. For multiline headers I am extending the renderer class to a JList & it implements the TableCellRenderer interface.

The problem is, it is showing me the multiline header for each column but when I click on any one of the headers it shows me the same icon twice for a single header. Is there any way out wherein I can just display the icon once on a mouse click.

I think the problem is b'coz the renderer is being called twice - once when the table is initialised for showing the multi line header & the other on a mouse click for displaying the icon.

Can anyone suggest me as to why is this happening...

Any help will be appreciated..


20 years ago
Hi Puthriah,

Thanx for the code. But I have the same code. Now the problem is that I am able to load the applet some times & sometimes it is not allowing me to load it.
When it is loaded it shows me the sign in screen. After I enter my login it shows me all the other screens properly. But for all operations it gives me ***** Failure ****** Invalid Session. Please logoff & logon. And in logs it is showing me as No session present.

The browser is using jre 1.4 as well as jre 1.5 accordingly. It takes this jre version properly but for both these versions initially it says Applet notinited & gives the same exceptions as Applet tag missing CODE parameter.

Can you plz suggest as to why is this happening??


- Neha.
20 years ago
Hi Rajendar,

Thanx a lot for ur support. Even I'll try to find out the solution & if it works properly i'll let u knw..


- Neha.....
20 years ago

I am so sorry but there are so many packages & many number of files.... so wont be able to provide u the code... & also confidential code....

so am so sorry....
well i'll try & let you knw abt it again....


- Neha
20 years ago