I don't understand how anyone can seriously believe that statement you made. If a bankrobber commits murder while robbing a bank, the getaway driver is also guilty of murder, even though he didn't pull the trigger.
I fully agree, but if you can't find the driver or the robber, that doesn't make the driver's neighbor guilty, it doesn't even make his brother guilty. If you are really concerned with taking care of specific individuals, how do cluster bombs come into the equation?
As for making us safer from terrorism, we can only hope to speculate either way. Maybe we should rehash this in 10 years?
As I have pointed out ad nauseum. . .
This has been pointed out many times, almost as many times as the generalizations about how Islam wants all Jews and Christians to die. Maybe Bin Laden thinks this way, maybe not, but it certainly doesn't represent anything to do with the core of Islam. I think the basic contention arises from the fast and loose way people and their philosophy get labeled 'Islamic'.
Vietnam? You mean Mi Lai?
I was in no way comparing Vietnam to Bosnia, or Serbs to Americans. I was only trying to illustrate that Americans are quite capable of committing 'unthinkable' acts. If you think Mi Lai was the only time brutalities against women and children were perpetrated by Americans in Vietnam, then you are delusional. That the Serbs savaged the Bosnian muslims, as qualitativly different as that might be, in no way excuses or justifies the American brutalities.
As for American taking snapshots with corpses in the Gulf, I haven't seen those pictures, but I guess it is in the realm of possibility.
It wasn't covered by CNN.
6th ID Fort Ord, CA Nov. 1991
A little drinking, the snapshots come out, several rolls of film. It may or may not be the norm, but it certainly happened.
As for your statement about war screwing people up etc.. I can tell from your comments that any views of war you have are all theory.
How convenient. I can tell from your comments that any views of war you have are all screwed up. Just kidding. Let's see, you joined up in 88? You may have seen a little bit of the Gulf? Do you really think this compares to what the infantry saw in Vietnam? I mean come on, there may have been some tense moments, but the Iraqi military was completely outclassed in number and technology. How many US soldiers died to Iraqi attacks? Friendly fire? Do you think that there is nothing to learn from the theory of war? How can you have faith in your military command? For the most part, many of them have nothing but their theories of war.
I am not an appologist for those who would kill us.
You are acting as an appologist for those currently killing. Terrorism is wrong, no one was ever truly convinced by violence. You can bomb and bomb and bomb, Al Qaida will dissolve in Afganistan and not skip a beat. Perhaps I am wrong, but I have to call it as I see it.
what was that about all your American friends being ignorant?
An observation? Americans are generally clueless unless you ask them about the new music video on MTV or who won the ball game last night. In general, Americans live unaware of the world politics and they quite like it that way. It's not bad mouthing Americans, you have to call a spade a spade.
I do not have a knee-jerk suspicion for everything our government does on our behalf (neither do I have blind faith). I do not feel the need to criticize my country at every turn.
I don't criticize at every turn, just the ones I don't agree with. Isn't that what democracy is supposedly about?
I do not make my livelihood by leeching off of a system that I hold in low esteem.
Leeching? Is that to imply that I'm leeching? I can tell from your comments that any views of leeching you have are all theory.

If we really want to get off on a tangent we can discuss the implications of usury, debt based money systems, NAFTA, Nike, and what the hell, throw in Michael Jordan. The basis of capitalism is leeching off of those that are held in low esteem. With that being said, I do my work, I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, I'm not rich, but I don't do too bad.
I realize and honor the sacrifices of those who came before me that allow me to live with more freedoms than anywhere else on the planet, that allow me to prosper, and that allow me to do all this in relative safety and security. I realize that there are times when actions must be taken to maintain this freedom and way of life.
Those who would trade liberty for security, do not deserve either. Some Famous Person
When you consider freedom and your way of life, what do you think of the new anti-terrorism legislation?
I do not hold the belief that war under any circumstance should never be waged. I do not believe that we should kiss the ass of those who would do us harm, simply in the name of temporary safety.
I'm not a pacifist or an ass kisser. All I have attempted to do was point out what I consider to be detrimental to our long term safety and our way of life.
So you are right, I am different.
Different is good, but Map and I are still considering doing something to your neighbors. Can I have your address?

(just kidding)