Felix Devasia

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since Jan 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Felix Devasia

Hi all,
Could anyone plz tell me how to create/modify an XML file using SAX? I know how to read etc, but how to modify data using SAX?
Any help will be most appreciated.
Hi everyone,
I am building an app which creates an XML file. I want to transfer this XML file to my web server using FTP( from within the pgm). Can anyone please tell me where can I get information for creating a simple ftp client? I just want to send this file in the background, when the user clicks "Send" in the GUI menu.
Thanks in Advance..
22 years ago
Thanks ..
I'll check that out
22 years ago
I am using Java WebServer. The problem is that I want to access a custom class and invoke a methord from it. I have put the class file in the same folder of my jsp files(public_html). But I get an error from the JSp page, as soon as it tried to instantiate the class. The error reads something like this:
Java server page translation error
Cannot resolve symbol:class<classname>
Is this a problem with classpath? Where shall I set the classpath for jws? Any help will be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance..
22 years ago
I've deployed JSP in J2EE. This JSP, thru a bean writes user interface details into a file. This works perfectly in win 98, but gives access control exception(which can be seen in the system.out file of the logs directory) in Win NT. The problem persists eventhough I've logged in as administrator and have been given full ctrl of the file.
Pls give an early reply...
Can anyone tell me how I could get rid of the default titlebar of the frame while running swing applications? Also, can I change the default icin of the "teacup", in the upperleft corner of the titlebar?
23 years ago
can anyone explain me how you could produce a beep Sound(thru system speaker)in java?
23 years ago
It did work, thank you. My memory mode was set to auto, but now I changed to a specific value.Now it works.
When i try to start the deploytool, I get the following error:
Out of environment space
Out of environment space
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/enterprise/to
J2EE server also shows out of enviornment space error, but it finally starts up. Pls help...
While using J2ee, when I try to use deploytool i get the error-out of enviornment space. Can anyone tell me what could have caused such a problem?
It works!!!
So simple a task!!!
23 years ago
Well, win ME seands for windows millenium. If it's not the problem of ME, what could it be? I've tried re installing JDK(ver 3) but it can't help. does anyone have an Idea?
23 years ago
I've recently installed win Me on my computer. Since then I am unable to run Java pgms on my computer. Pgms will compile perfectly, but when I try to run them, The Compiler issues an error -
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hello
where hello is the name of my class.
But I perfectly have no problems when I try to use some IDE, such as Kawa.
PLS help me with this issue
23 years ago