Anshuman Acharya

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since Jan 19, 2001
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this question has been discussed before. the string literal "pal" is created as a temporary object - like a transient.
if the question had asked how many objects are there at the end, the answer would have been 2.
i got my funde clear in threads thru the discusions on thread at maha's site. in one of the posts she paints a very vivid analogy with a restaurant situation to explain notify and notify all.
read that and you'll never have to read anything else again. believe me!
thank you all! i think the participation in this site helped me a lot and by participation i mean, actually trying to answer the other's query. i would try to frame an answer and then crosscheck my answers with available reference, no matter how confident i was. many a time i found that my answers were right but the approach was wrong.
tualha, i know you have done some real hardcore io coding. i think you can leave that section alone now coz it ain't that tough... and you're prepared enough to handle any of that stuff now
thanks jane, for all your timely interventions and observations. My thanks to some of the old batch too... gazala bohra, joe? and many others.
amit, the link to the notes is here:
24 years ago
i made it yesterday with 90%. not a small part of the credit goes to your notes, velmurugan. my sincere thanks.
just a note, a short section on io would have completed the picture. but the rest os the stuff was enough for one time!
thanks again.
Yea, atlast I join the elite company! Thanks to all the ppl out here and especially to Maha and her wonderful discussions.
The test is simple compared to Mughal and Abhilash's mock tests. Yea, Marcus Green's tests come the closest but the actual one is tougher.
I got unlucky in java.lang because in one question I was very confused whether the trailing character was a l or a 1("el" or a "one" ) and I think I messed something up in the fill in the blanks because I really think I didn't perform so badly in java.lang. I got lotsa questions on them and got 50% in java.lang. In the rest, I got 100%.
Not my day, I guess. But i am very happy.

The recipe-
1) 16 days of slog.
2) Bill Brogden's exam Cram.Got me through!
Selling it - check :
3)Patrick Naughton. Not very necessary but I went into a lot of depth.
5)Notes from many sites. The gems were those of Velmurugan. Worth their weight in gold!
6) Lots of coding in the last 2 days.
Some tips-
1)I prepared for the exam for 16 days exactly. So, it can be done!
2) Take lots of mock exams. Take the extremely hard ones too coz they bring you down to earth a sort and are pretty good eye-openers.
3) Do not just read about try-catch, inner classes, layouts etc. and rote. code them and play around with them. you'll learn a lot of things.
4) io is easy! but do the constructors and the class type of each stream thoroughly.
5) Rote but not at the expense of fundamentals. You can pass the test even without any roting with rock-solid basics. The vice-versa is not even remotely true!
6) Participate in this site... there's a lot difference between thinking of a solution after reading a question posted here, and actually answering it. You get to know the depth of your knowledge.
Thank you all, and you too Bill!
[This message has been edited by Anshuman Acharya (edited February 05, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Anshuman Acharya (edited February 05, 2001).]
Yea, atlast I join the elite company! Thanks to all the ppl out here and especially to Maha and her wonderful discussions.
The test is simple compared to Mughal and Abhilash's mock tests. Yea, Marcus Green's tests come the closest but the actual one is tougher.
I got unlucky in java.lang because in one question I was very confused whether the trailing character was a l or a 1("el" or a "one" ) and I think I messed something up in the fill in the blanks because I really think I didn't perform so badly in java.lang. I got lotsa questions on them and got 50% in java.lang. In the rest, I got 100%.
Not my day, I guess. But i am very happy.

The recipe-
1) 16 days of slog.
2) Bill Brogden's exam Cram.Got me through!
Selling it - check :
3)Patrick Naughton. Not very necessary but I went into a lot of depth.
5)Notes from many sites. The gems were those of Velmurugan. Worth their weight in gold!
6) Lots of coding in the last 2 days.
Some tips-
1)I prepared for the exam for 16 days exactly. So, it can be done!
2) Take lots of mock exams. Take the extremely hard ones too coz they bring you down to earth a sort and are pretty good eye-openers.
3) Do not just read about try-catch, inner classes, layouts etc. and rote. code them and play around with them. you'll learn a lot of things.
4) io is easy! but do the constructors and the class type of each stream thoroughly.
5) Rote but not at the expense of fundamentals. You can pass the test even without any roting with rock-solid basics. The vice-versa is not even remotely true!
6) Participate in this site... there's a lot difference between thinking of a solution after reading a question posted here, and actually answering it. You get to know the depth of your knowledge.
Thank you all, and you too Bill!
[This message has been edited by Anshuman Acharya (edited February 05, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Anshuman Acharya (edited February 05, 2001).]
24 years ago
of all the notes that i read, velmurugan's are the best and have given me the confidence to take the exam after only 3 weeks of preparation.
after all the chaos and irreverant vulgarity of all the discusion forums scattered over the net, javaranch is a very welcome change. i think guys like velmurugan who have gone through the pain of compiling notes for others deserve our utmost respect.
i had posted this mail just as a staement of a fact. it is presumptuous idiots like java stud(?) who spoil the mood and spirit of such forums.
brogden says that the method defined by Component is
public void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
i want to point out that the access modifier is protected.
he specifically says native methods can be abstract.
he's wrong. try it and see.
sorry, nat!
for an object array, even it's superclass' arrayis allowed to refer it...
primitive arrays can be cast to themselves, Object or Cloneable.
what is meant by this question?
How do objects pass messages in java?
code compiles for me if i remove statement 7...
i am using version 1.2, which one are you using shailendra?
as you said priya, if! but that is not a certainity, and yours is not an answer.
please somebody do respond to my previous query... and i have one to add to that..
in abhilash's quiz, th o/p of the following code...
import java.awt.*;
public class TestFrame extends Frame
Button bNorth = new Button("North");
Button bSouth = new Button("South");
Button bEast = new Button("East");
Button bWest = new Button("West");
Button bCenter = new Button("Center");
public TestFrame()
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
public static void main(String args[])
TestFrame tf = new TestFrame();
//code ends
is given as
Attemping to compile and run the above code
5.Will compile and run cleanly, but no component is visible.
??? please explain.... why not a single button is displayed at the Center?
this compiles:
class a{
public static void main(String args[]){
Runnable r = (Runnable) (new a());
//String[] s = (String[])(new a()); this stat. doesn't compile
//code ends
try putting final before class a and see.