Nit Kad

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since Oct 14, 2004
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Where can I get the MZ's latest notes?
I tried searching for it but I got some which are dated 2006.

15 years ago
I am just going to start my assignement and I was thinking about caching the db file or not. There is definite advantage if the data is small. But do we have to consider that it might increase beyond a point of caching in a object?
I sm going to start on my assignment for SCJD exam. I downloaded the jar from Sun which included one interface which is supposed to be implemented by another class called as .

My question is that can we make changes in the interface provided by Sun. The reason I am asking because the DBAccess interface is perfect for RMI except that it doesn't have RemoteException thrown in any of its methods which is a required exceptions if an interface is supposed to be used for RMI.

Please advice whether the interface can be modified to add the RemoteException or not?
