Sonia Gun

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since Oct 15, 2004
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I am building a client in java to access a webservice/. I had issues accessing the webservice because it is using HTTP basic authentication. I am not able to use axis or such tools (company restrictions). Can MS SoapToolkit be of any help o me? Should I have .NEt to use MS Soap? I have an all java environment.
20 years ago

I am a beginner with SOAP but have done a deal in it. Here are my two cents. From the namespaces you use, envelop refers only two. Soap-ENV and xsi, xsd. In anycase they are used to uniquely identify each node. Even if you define a few more namespapces, only the ones refered in the body or header will be processed.
A SOAP application SHOULD include the proper SOAP namespace on all elements and attributes defined by SOAP in messages that it generates. A SOAP application MUST be able to process SOAP namespaces in messages that it receives. It MUST discard messages that have incorrect namespaces and it MAY process SOAP messages without SOAP namespaces as though they had the correct SOAP namespaces. It is not recommended as it may cause scalability issues.
20 years ago
Thanks DV. I am not using axis. There is a framework for webservices developed in house. It is using javax.xml.soap calles. The call is made using the soapConnection object and I dont see the methods that can accept username and password. Do you if there is a work around? I can modify the existing functionality but has to with java-api. I cannot use axis.
20 years ago
its at HTTP level. I posted another message in this forum to get an example of the webservice client. My implementation has to be on SAAJ. please provide me an example if you can. Running with a critical time frame.
20 years ago
the webservice I want to access is using HTTP 1.1 basic challenge response protocol. And if i send any soap message it comes back saying invalid parameter. Is there any specific format in the soap request? or is it else where. I am using SAAJ. what java library is to be used.
20 years ago
Soap is a protocol to carry your data from server to client. The soap message will have two parts Header(optional) and body. The body of the soap message is nothing but your xml. Once this soap message is composed, you will send it as your request/response.
20 years ago
All I have from the vendor is a WSDL File. I know the method name i need to access and i have the username an password. When I typr the url in the browser, it pops up a window for u/name and p/w. On authenticating my credentials, it will allow access to wsdl. There is no other authentication mechanism indicated in the WSDL. Can I safely assume that the authetication mechanism is not happening at application level and that it is at transport layer level.
20 years ago
I am new to webservices. I managed to learn things by looking at code and examples from various websites. But in my project I am running into a problem and feels like i am all shoot in the dark.

Here is my problem:
on a button click my program grabs the user-defined data, accesses a webservice with the values as parameters and dispalys the response. Even though the soap envelope has all required information response from the webservice is " the parameter is incorrect". Later i learnt that the webservice needs authentication. I have the access information but do not know how to do this in the backend. I cannot pass the value in the soap envelope header. I tried and it comes back with the same error message. please help me with this.
20 years ago
I am writing an application server. As a part of that i want to access certain on a remote server. My question: Can i read the required information (like proxy server, port, username, password) from the d/b once, store it in cache (some how !!) and reuse them. I want to use a database because i dont want to bounce the server if i need to modify the proxy server.
20 years ago
I am programming a service in an application server. I want to be able to load values from the database (like proxy server, port, username, password) and be able to reuse them instead of loading them the d/b each time. Another reason to use a database for staring values is to make modifications easily and not have to bounce the server each time.
I plan to have a refresh daemon running periodically. but how to store these values in cache
20 years ago