Pradeep Kadambar

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since Oct 18, 2004
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Recent posts by Pradeep Kadambar

I am relatively new to Hibernate. I have a API which is inherently support concurrency.


- Check user exists
- If no, do something
- Save/update user

As post API call I persist the user to the DB with a 'Save or Update' call.

The problem is - 'If two threads try to work on the same user simultaneously, both thread will find out the user does not exist. Do the logic and try to save the user to the DB. At the end 1st thread will do some update and the 2nd thread will overwrite the updates of the first'.

Can I solve this by using 'vesion' or 'timestamp' ?

Craving for suggestions
Not necessarily the EJB spec validator, can any tool verify against normal Java Bean spec.

Is there a tool to validate the Java Beans against the specification. Any tool that comes with eclipse or Ant/Maven plugin?

Hi I'm using Axis2 to write my service. I am facing problems when invoking the service trough a C# client.


When I invoke the service with any of CustomTypeXXX, on the server side I get the service call with BaseType.

However my SOAP message has BaseType with type=CustomTypeXXX.

Please let me know what can I do to correct this. I am using RPCMessageReceiver

16 years ago
I need to add a parameter extraClasses in the generated deploy.wsdd. I went through the command line options for wsdl2java. I couln't find any options.

Can any one suggest a solution add this parameter in the wsdd file?
17 years ago
Thanks Viru for the response

I am aware of using extraClasses parameter in the WSDD. However I generate WSDD using the wsdl2java utility. But I don't see any option that can help me add this parameter to the WSDD generated.

Are there any known means to overcome this ?
17 years ago

I have a we service method that takes an abstract type as parameter. I have defined classes which are concrete implementation of this abstract type. Using java2wsdl I get the wsdl with all the types defined (P.S. I have set extra classes). Now I run wsdl2java to get he deploy.wsdd. The WSDD file is missing the parameter "extraClasses". But I don't find and option to specify this in the WSDD.

Please let me know how can I add this in the deploy.wsdd.
17 years ago
Hi Jake,

Dimensions mean different directions of traversal comparable to x,y axis in 2D and x,y,z in 3D

It is not necessary that the dimensions in these axis are even (like you have in C/C++

So as Garret said ... you can conpare Java arrays to Array of pointers in C

Hope that adds some value

17 years ago
Hey Latha,

Put the same code in your eclipse (any IDE) and check the outputs. You can experiment with your code snippets. This will help you rather than the easy volleys thrown by ranchers.

17 years ago
Hey Criag,

First things first. All objects are basically created in new <Class_Name>() fashion.

Now coming to your point it is the initialization. In case

You create a new object and then store the reference to the newly created object, there by initializing var_name.

But in cases where the initialization may happen based on certain runtime conditions.

Hope this makes your understanding clear.

[ June 27, 2007: Message edited by: Pradeep Kadambar ]
17 years ago
Hey Poonam,

Since you are keen to know more on String, this may help you to satiate the inquisitor in you

String Immutability

17 years ago
I'm no expert on Swing, but you can try to use SwingWorker for your task. You can check more on this on Google.

17 years ago
In both the cases what you have is the "String". So little surprisingly you can do all the operations on string literal that you can do on String object.

But note that

will keep the string pointed by s unchanged. The operation will return a new string with the value "hello".

17 years ago
So this will be right if i say that Java guys having put the feature of calling static methods/variables using the object reference is logical faux pas
17 years ago
So what it means is that my program will have no (performance) sideeffects by using either approaches :roll:

In this case there is no valid reason why you should be allowed to access class variables and methods using the object reference. Doesn't make any sense.
17 years ago