san ch

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since Oct 18, 2004
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Recent posts by san ch

Hi Lasse Koskela

Thank you for the reply...ill search for some online resources on junit..i have been looking at you once again
San ch
18 years ago

Iam new to using junit....i need a small clearification....i jus have a beginner knowledge in java .....can i learn junit directly or is it mandatory to have good acquaintance with core java before learning junit

thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hi stefan

i dont have any manual entry for lsof is it a package i have to install?coz i tried in solaris 10 and tried in linux (redhat) it says command not found
19 years ago

I want to know how to kill a port which is listening.
i Have given netstat -a|grep "LISTEN" which gives me all the ports which are listening,however it doesnt giv me the PID through which i can kill the port....can anybody help me with this

Thank you in advance
19 years ago

i could mount fat32 partition with the following command
mount -v /dev/hda5 /windows

it is working however it says my kernal doesnt support ntfs when i try to mount ntfs partition..iam happy that i got the fat32 now i can wrk keeping data on that partition and shar it through both os
thank you ver much
19 years ago
Thank you very much will try out this and seee
19 years ago
well sorry for not being clear
what i want to do is :i have a laptop which has windows xp in ntfs files sytem and i have a linux partition ,i want to see the ntfs partition from linux,i tried mount ntfs hda0 ,like that then iam getting a message which says file system not supported ,i have converted one of my ntfs partitions to FAT32 and tried ,still nogo

that is what i am looking at....can use samba to see windows partitions on the same hard drive ?
thank you for the help
19 years ago
Thank you for your help it is working

san ch
19 years ago

Thank you for your response,iam working as root ,i will try these things.
i ahve tried
and iam getting the prompt normally ,does this mean the port is listening???the telent to the port looks like a good idea will see if i can do that thank you soo much
san ch
19 years ago

iam working in solaris and configured my messaging server to port 82 ,i want to know how to check if this port is listening .......i tried
netstat -anp |grep 82
it jus gave me prompt again didnt understand
any help would be great
thank you in advance
19 years ago

Iam need help sharing a file in linux ,actually i have done mount ,but it doesnt work.i have some experience in solaris i had to specify the sharing location in /etc/dfs/dfstab.....can anybody tell me how to share in linux

thank you
19 years ago

this is surprising ............. i never saw a post not replied for sooo long .....can someone plz help me
19 years ago
Hi ive jus downloaded jdk 5 on my solaris sparc machine .....iam getting the folowing error after i set the path and type java ....heard it is supposed to show options

root[bash]@nayagara# java
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

i have set the path like this

export PATH=.:/Individuals/JDK/jdk1.5.0_03/bin/sparcv9/:$PATH

please help
19 years ago

iam trying to install xmms mp3 player on my solaris machine.i unzipped the package and

pkgadd SFWxmms
pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in </var/spool/pkg>
root[bash]@nayagara# pkgadd -d . SFWxmms
pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in </Individuals>

getting the following message
can somebody help me ...i need a help as of how to start the player and stuff i heard that we have to install one other package gtk
thank you
19 years ago
can somone suggest me a good online tutorial which can tach me shell programming with examples?

i already tried the google search but was unable to judge which one is good ....if some one can suggest something they followed it would be a good help thank you
19 years ago