Peter Rooke

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since Oct 21, 2004
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A seasoned software developer who has also worked within DevOps.
I have worked in computing for over thirty years.
For the last ten years, I have been a consultant working on a self-employed contract basis.
Currently, I’m working as a technical lead as an employee.
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Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom
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Recent posts by Peter Rooke

A bit of an old post!  Here's a demo of hashing (and blockchains) Hash and blockchain demo
4 weeks ago
A blatant advert for the
Certified Prompt Engine Expert course and certification from 101 blockchains.

The classic Answer To The Ultimate Question - The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - BBC
6 months ago
How times have changed "Alexa*, play Radio Caroline".  
Radio Caroline.  
6 months ago
For the spring and spring boot answer, I'll say something like:

"Spring is a framework which uses dependency injection which typically helps to configure an application in a flexible, maintainable way".  You could then talk about loose coupling, and high cohesion and even venture into SOLID principles, a subject you may have been asked anyway.

"Spring boot builds on top of the spring framework by providing an opinionated spring configuration which is configurable to a project's needs.  It helps to facilitate faster development".  
8 months ago
Not related to Java, but re-entry was (maybe is) a vulnerability with smart contracts that run on blockchains.  
Here's an example showing an exploit in the solidity language which typically runs in the Ethereum virtual machine Reentrancy - Hack Solidity
It can vary, on a previous project we just mandated using UTC.  Of course, we had one system that could not be changed, so all other systems had to be altered twice every year!  

Here's an insight Computerphile - The Problem with Time & Timezones ;-)  

"some very complex ideas"

- yes, it's also decentralised which I guess adds to the complexity.  Other systems I've used seem to only offer a centralised repository.
I'll agree the fundamental issue is that version control is difficult, more so on larger projects.  I'm guessing Linus (and others) were always more focused on the [complex] solution and expecting others to provide more usable tools (like IDE's).  

I do still find some terms confusing - "head" for example - but then I'm only halfway through "head first git".  
So I don't understand git too well but have used other version control tools.  Really would like to gain a proper understanding, but limited time!  

It seems a common complaint is that the various commands are difficult to understand and don't describe what you want to do from a user's perspective.  
Git is simply too hard
So mostly I stick to a few commands and practices; feature branches, rebase the main branch onto the feature often, and merge as soon as possible.        
I've started using the IDE a lot more for git.
Sadly I've not got the time but these links were posted in Linked-in:

1. AI Essentials -
2. ChatGPT Mastery -
3. Google AI Magic -
4. Harvard AI Introduction -
5. Microsoft AI Basics -
6. Prompt Engineering Pro -
7. Google's Ethical AI -
8. Machine Learning by Harvard -
9. Language Models by LangChain -
10. Bing Chat Applications -
11. Generative AI by Microsoft -
12. Amazon's AI Strategy -
13. AI for Everyone -
14. AWS AI Foundations -
15. Spring AI -
16 - Encode Club -
Ten years too late, but I would (well have) bet on Solidity which is used for smart contract development on the Ethereum (and now other layer two systems).  

"'If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.'" [Satoshi Nakamoto]
1 year ago
Encode Club are running various public blockchain courses.

Some examples (from a long list):

- Solidity (the Ethereum smart contract language)
- Zero Knowledge proofs (cryptography) ZK Bootcamp
- AI (the current hot topic):  Encode Club AI Foundation

It's UK-based, so the timings will be GMT mostly early evenings (ie tea time).  

Previous courses are on you-tube: Encode Club Youtube

Disclaimer - I have no affiliation with Encode Club, I've just attended a few of their courses and have the NFT certificates to prove it!  

"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." - Satoshi Nakamoto.
1 year ago
Always try to have a smaller plate on the motorbike, but not too small as to get the attention of the police.  

The DVLA (or UK government) makes a small fortune on selling private number plates, it looks like "F1" is for sale for a cool £10,000,000  
1 year ago
Before my time I started when the "green screens" of VT200 Unix terminals had mostly started to replace the older mainframes.
Of course, it's been my experience that if you dig deep enough you often find a mainframe somewhere with COBOL, VAX/VMS, and who knows what else!

“But you're out of your mind,” they said with a shrug.
“The customer's happy; what's one little bug?”

But he was determined. The others went home.
He spread out the program, deserted, alone.

The cleaning men came. The whole room was cluttered
With memory-dumps, punch cards. “I'm close,” he muttered.

The mumbling got louder, simple deduction,
“I've got it, it's right, just change one instruction.”

It still wasn't perfect, as year followed year,
And strangers would comment, “Is that guy still here?”

He died at the console, of hunger and thirst.
Next day he was buried, face down, nine-edge first.

And the last bug in sight, an ant passing by,
Saluted his tombstone, and whispered, “Nice try.”

Taken from GNU humor - credited to Lou Ellen Davis.

1 year ago