Sajan Patel

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since Oct 25, 2004
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In my application, I have myFaces 1.2.

In object model I have BigDecimal field and it is populated with Custom converter.

This custom converter return NULL from getAsObject and getAsString if value is null.
Now I can see this custom convert is returning NULL when I keep my Text Field empty but in UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES phase it is populated with default value.

Does this happen with every body ?
Note:- Same program set null value to object model if it is null returned from Custom Converter fine in my Faces 1.1

Money : null
Money : 0
15 years ago
Can you tell me any Free IDE (not IBM and BEA) on which I can develop Portlet.
16 years ago
I have same Question. Which IDE we can use for portal Application.

If I am not wrong we need separate Server also ? is it true.
16 years ago
In JSF, all TAGs can take expression language e.g. #{vartest.boldStyleClass}.

So you can do following also and pass style class name from Object itself that what style you want to use it.

<h:outputText id="textT" value="#{vartest.FLD1}" styleClass="#{vartest.boldStyleClass}" converter="TestConverter">

This is just one of the way to do it.


Sajan Patel
17 years ago
We have some information on this website >> (You may have seen this website already)

Mainly Shale used with Another technology. So may be thats why there is not direct book. I am using Complete Reference JSF book (Appendix D - for Shale Frame Work). It helped me a lot to understand what is shale. I hope it help you also.


Sajan Patel
17 years ago

But I am getting error like :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "{2}" Conversion Error setting value ''{0}'' for ''{1}''

Normally, This error occur when your list object is NULL.
Try debug statement on getter method to see is it been called or not.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Zein Nunna:
I also have an old project, that I may 'convert' to JSF, would something like this be adviseable?

I would say it is worth to learn and use JSF.
For above sentence, I would say you should start partial implement your application in JSF. I found bit difficulty in converting Struts application to JSF partial(few module at a time) but it was bit easy to convert application(JSP/Servlet) to JSF.
17 years ago
It looks very promising.

And Thanks, I learn new thing today.
18 years ago
Sure!! It would be great if you share Code with all of us.
18 years ago
Thanks for your input!! I am more interested in keeping pure JSF rather than mix match. Here I want to use <h:outputText for printing "hello world!" so I can print that text from db.
I know if I don't find anything than I may use as you mentioned. I might have to use verbatim two time.
18 years ago
Dear All,

Do we have any JSF componenet which does same thing like HTML MARQUEE tag does. Is there anything we can do with css so outputtext tag can be used as Marquee.

Thanks in Advance
18 years ago
Check this folder in your tomcat Installation


You will see all your compiled JSP with .java and .class file. If you know Servlet technology than it will be more easy for you to understand.
18 years ago
You have posted message in wrong forum.

But you can use PuTTY to get some file from remote server.
You will find
on this website. This is nothing but one .exe file which you can execute from java with passing different parameter.
18 years ago
I am Not that good that either but I think there shouldn't be anything different for Configure Log4J in JSF Application. You need to add same entry in Web.xml
18 years ago
It is working for me if I use param inside commandLink

This is completely jsf base jsp so it may not work for you.
[ October 05, 2006: Message edited by: Sajan Patel ]
18 years ago