Shawn Hanna

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since Oct 27, 2004
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Recent posts by Shawn Hanna

I am attempting to launch my struts app in Iplanet 6.0.
My web-app.xml shows an error when I try to view giving me an error it cannot find the iws-webapps_6_0.dtd file. I searched the internet and have not found it. Any ideas where i could find it?

19 years ago
Thanks for all your help.
I found this a while ago but I wanted to close this issue for others use.

The solution is that the Aliaslist.jsp page needed to use message tag instead of an error tag.

19 years ago
What you told me about the Action mapping parameter is correct. And the Input attribute of the Action is correct so not at least the validate() method is beging called. Horray! Thank you very much. However now i'm getting a ClassCastException error inside of my jsp(according to the Stack Trace). Here is the stack trace.

Here is my updated [BOLD]struts-config.xml[/BOLD] file with the added input attributes
I changed the input to the path[BOLD] input="/pages/addNew.jsp [/BOLD]

The following is my app structure

Here is addNew.jsp

And Here is the updated validate method for connectionDetailForm
I used the deprecated ActionErrors. add() just incase the difference in ActionMessage was the problem.
[BOLD]ConnectionDetailForm [/BOLD]

Any Ideas? I think we're getting closer thanks for all your help.
19 years ago
I tried it. I changed the ActionForm to ValidatorForm. I get the same results, the validator method is not called.

Any other ideas I could try?
19 years ago
I'm new to the struts framework. I'm using struts 1.1.
I set up a validate method in my ConnectionDetailForm but when I run /ProccessAddNew action the form the validate() method is never called.

Below is my struts-config.xml file.

The Form connectionDetails has the validate method. The way it is supposed to work is that when I add a new Connection with a blank alias the validation should kick in and show me a message.

Below is the ConnectionDetailsForm contents.

Can you help me? the validate method is completley ignored.

19 years ago