Eibhlin Reid

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since Nov 04, 2004
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Does anyone know of a way to put a folder picker dialog into a web page instead of a file picker?

Thanks in advance
Hi there,

I am creating a page, that will submit an email containing the names of files to be granted read or write access to. I would like the user to be able to pick the file they require from a network drive. I would then like to use JUST the name of the file, this doesn't seem possible at all using a file field? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
I'm writing an application to remove adware/spyware from a windows machine. I would like users to be able to download updates to the definitions file, but wanted something thats quick and easy for both them and me!!
19 years ago
Hi there,

I have never used servlets before but I was wondering if there is a way to use them to allow a user of my program to download an XML file off of a server. I know I could do a website using EJBs (which I have some experience of) but I would just rather the user click a button on the application to start the download instead of having to go to a website to download the file.

Is this knid of thing easy to do? All help greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
19 years ago
Hi there,

I'm creating an application similar to LavaSofts Adware remover Adaware, but I'm really bad at doing GUI stuff, it always looks very basic. This is for my final year project in college and I would really appreciate it if anyone has any suggestion on what I could use to create a nice GUI.

Is there some plugin that I can use to change the look-and-feel of the application for example??

Thanks in advance!
19 years ago
Thank you so much for your help. That worked great!
19 years ago
Thanks for that! But what I didn't think about was actually how to find out what tasks are running on the PC... any suggestions for that?
19 years ago
Does anyone know if it is at all possible to end a task in the windows OS from a Java program?? If so, what should I use to do it???

Thanks in advance!!
19 years ago
It gives me NullPointerException, which I have now caught. I just don't really understand why it's giving me this exception and if theres another way around it, other than catching the exception?
19 years ago
I am doing a search of the hard drive of a PC through Java and just realised recently that if I don't have admin rights on a PC and I run my program it crashes. Is there some way to get around this using the Security Manager or something else???

Thanks in advance!
19 years ago
I am doing a project which performs a search on the C drive of a machine. I would like to display the name of the file currently being searched. Anybody know how I could do this?? I presume that I will need some sort of listener to get the name to change as the file being searched changes, I'm not sure how to do this though.

Thanks in advance!
19 years ago
That's great thanks a million!
19 years ago
I've tried several things from this package, I can't seem to find the right class?? Any suggestions?
19 years ago
Does anyone know if there is a method in Java where by I could copy a file on my PC from one location to another, or even better move the file to another location?
19 years ago
Thanks for all your help, as it turned out we were missing a tag at the top of of the JSP!!
19 years ago