Jayesh Lalwani

Ranch Hand
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since Nov 05, 2004
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Recent posts by Jayesh Lalwani

Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
[Jayesh Lalwani]: I would think that a community as diverse as the Javaranch would be more forgiving of regional dialects. After all, Americans have their own slangs, and Indians try to adapt to American slang. Is it too much to ask that American ranchers be more forgiving of Indian slang?

The problem is that in many cases we wouldn't even realize that Indian slang is the source of the problem. If someone says "even I couldn't solve this problem", that's a perfectly valid sentence in standard English. It just sounds a bit arrogant. There's no apparent reason to suspect that "even" is intended to mean "also". Unless you've had a lot of experience with conversations between native English-speakers and Indian English-speakers. Or unless you've read a thread like this one, which points out the difference.

I don't get it. "Even I" is a perfectly good synonym of "I also". The problem is that the listener is assigning an emotional component to "Even I" so that the listener understands the phrase to be much more than what the writer has written. The problem is with the listener , not the speaker. It doesn't matter if most people (that you know of) apply the same emotional component as you do. The fact that the speaker didn't say "Even I, the Master of the Universe, couldn't solve this problem" means that the listener cannot assume that the speaker meant that. If the speaker wanted to say "Even I, the Master of the Universe, couldn't solve this problem", he would have said "Even I, the Master of the Universe, couldn't solve this problem". It "sounds arrogant" because the listener is filling in words that haven't been said. Why are you faulting the speaker because the listener is hearing things that haven't been said?
17 years ago

Originally posted by Bert Bates:
Man Jim, you're a wizard with that search capability

The first thread that you referenced contained my point, and a bunch of other points too, although I thought that it was very interesting that Thomas' example from 3 years ago so closely matched the new examples we've discussed today

To me the "doubt" issue is very interesting but a little less "urgent", because while it might cause some confusion it doesn't seem insulting, at least to me.

In any case I'll "stick to my guns" because THIS thread, so far, has been more focused.

It might be fun to start another thread on the placement of "only"...

I would think that a community as diverse as the Javaranch would be more forgiving of regional dialects. After all, Americans have their own slangs, and Indians try to adapt to American slang. Is it too much to ask that American ranchers be more forgiving of Indian slang?

Besides, I don't accept that "Even, I" is bigger problem than "doubt". The former gives a perception of superiority, and the latter results in a confusing post. Shouldn't obfuscation be considered a bigger problem than a perceived slight?
17 years ago
I have Eclipse, Java 5.0 and Tomcat on my system. I used to be able to debug my webapp from Eclipse using the sysdeo plugin. However, recently, it is giving me the following error

"FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP NewGlobalRef, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER(100)
JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER(100): NewGlobalRef"

and Tomcat shuts down. It always happens but it happens at random times while the webapp initializes. If I run Tomcat outside of Eclipse, it's fine. But, I can't debug!!

I know JVMTI is the debugging interface that Eclipse uses to debug tomcat. Question is how do I fix this problem?
My employer has put Vista on my computer. Honestly, I don't notice a difference except for the snazzier UI that needs time getting used to.

Hey, I was content with NT as my dev environment, way back. It did what I wanted it to do, and the quirks could be worked around. I don't know why MS has to keep coming up with new OS. I don't really like being forced to get used to new UI. I would have been happier if MS had just fixed NT, and be done with it.
17 years ago
I just realised that I can't read Hindi anymore. It's been years since I read Hindi, and I can see the letters but I can't form the words anymore
17 years ago
a) A Java browser won't address the security holes that are built into Windows
b) A Java browser will be more or less incompatible with many webpages out there. Java makes it very difficult for UI widgets written in other languages to be plugged into a Java app. So, if we have a pure Java browser, you will have to either 1)develop technology that allows plug-ins like Flash player to integrate with Java, or 2)ask third-party plug in vendors to re-implement their plug-ins in Java

I don't think 1) will be effective because you will end up with the same security problems as IE. 2) is not practical
17 years ago

Originally posted by Adrian Wallace:

Paul C - We do have a smoke detector in our open-plan family room adjoining the kitchen (installed by choice - not by law) - but it doesnt go off. Clearly the grease smoke that our current oven generates doesnt have the right sized particles to trigger it! (Either that or I'm *slightly* exagerating the seriousness of the problem )

The smoke detector in my previous house (which was built in 2004) goes off even if we bake potatoes. The smoke detector in my current house (built in early 80's) doesn't go off even if we burn stuff. Both are the exact same model, and I always change batteries on time. I think it has a lot to do with the layout of the house.

My hunch is that architects have become better at selecting a "good" location for the smoke detectors. So, newer houses have more "sensitive" detectors because they are placed right.

But, yeah, if your oven makes your eyes water, then your smoke detector is not sensitive enough. It should beep long before it becomes uncomfortable for you. I would get someone to look at it.
17 years ago
Yes, they are called self-cleaning ovens. They work and they are pretty much the standard here. I don't think you can get an oven without the self-cleaning feature (although I haven't tried, but you never know). You would be hard-pressed to find a home that doesn't have a self-cleaning oven.

Yes, it works quite well. It burns everything to ash. You clean the ash after it's done. Only drawbacks are a) that you shouldn't leave big pieces of food in there. You will have to do a little basic cleanup before starting the self-clean cycle. I did leave some pieces of potatoes once, and they flamed up. I think that's ok. The hardest part in cleaning the oven is getting the burnt residue from the bottom out, and the self-clean is pretty good in taking care of that. b)It takes a long time to self-clean, so you won't be able to use it while it's cleaning. I guess that's ok. You will probably use it once a month or so (or if you make a huge mess) c) It becomes crazy-hot on the outside too. So, if you have pets/children you should be careful
17 years ago

Originally posted by Eric Pascarello:

Why don't you show a layer that says PROCESSING...PLEASE WAIT when they click the button?


They still go ahead and click it. Some users don't realize that buttons require a single click, not a double-click. They double click the button just like they would double click an EXE or a BAT file in Windows Explorer
We are having problems with double submits. As far as possible, we have eliminated the problem by using Post-Redirect-Get solution. However, we cannot use this solution for all buttons, because we have to do significant amount of work on the client side. The application works with images and before we can submit the page we have javascript that processes the image, uses a hidden frame to upload the image, and other things. As you can imagine, significant amount of time is spent on the client side, and q lot of the time is spent while the hidden frame is doing it's thing

So, the only solution is to disable the button when the user clicks on the button. Something like

Here, handleClick is the function doing the actual work, and returns true on success, and false on failure

So, my question is, can I do the above using stylesheet? If I can put the button disabling code in a style sheet, then I would have a reusable component I can use everywhere.

Any suggestions? Thanks for reading till the end

Originally posted by Ryan McGuire:

You people on SL, does your avatar look like you? I did what I could with mine. I got the height and weight basically correct, but I couldn't get the receding hairline quite right. I also can't seem to get my nose right either. My avatar does wear basically what I wear, except my avatar's sweater is just a plain knit while I tend to wear more cable knits in "meatspace".


I tried to make him look like me, but I gave up. Finally, I made him look like Shiva. I even made a cobra for my arm, a trident, a tall wig, a cobra tattoo on the stomach and a tilak tattoo for the forehead.

I tried to make a penance pose for him, but I'm not too good with animation overrides.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Zoe Boston:
I tried Second Life to see what it was all about and I just could not get into it. I am just standing there watching everyone line dance.

Dancing for money is just stupid. It pays a pittance and more often than not the dance pods are oriented so you are looking at gambling machines. The land owners are betting that you will eventually get bored dancing and lose money on gambling
18 years ago
Scripting is much easier than Java. Since you know Java, it won't take long to pick up scripting. You have to be aware of their limitations. There is a group called Open source scripters or something. It's free to join, and you can ask questions

When you build houses, you have to be careful of the prim count. Lands have prim limitations, and generally your landlord will put a prim limitation on your parcel. If your house uses up a lot of prims, you can't put too much of other stuff on your parcel. Search for "low prim furniture" or "low prim house" or something like that to see how other people do it.
18 years ago

If you want catch up on your building skills, drop in to Teazers university. They have excellent classes through out the day. The classes take a project, and go step by step. For example, they will demonstrate how to make a table, or a Japanese vase. That will give you a good introduction on how to play around with prims. They also have classes that teach you how to make jewlerry and customize your avatar. The best thing is that they give you stuff for free

Once you take the classes, search the classifieds for jobs. Once you get a job, you will not only get a chance to update your skills while earning money, you will get in touch with people who are more experienced. Most of my learning was through friends I made in-world. SL'ers tend to be very generous with Lindens, espescially if the build is scripted and interactive. If you can learn the script, you can earn enough Lindens in a couple of hours, to last you a week or so. YMMV, because everyone has differrent shopping needs. Scripts go for 1000L or so, and I had found a guy who draws UML diagrams and pays around 1000L to scripters who can implement the script based on the UML diagram.
18 years ago