Chinh Tran Nam

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since Nov 08, 2004
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Recent posts by Chinh Tran Nam

When that issue happened, I've even tried to call applet resize(width, height) from javascript but the applet still did not display all. It only displayed correctly when I dragged the mouse to resize the browser window.

16 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

The applet size can't be affected by any of the methods you describe. It is determined by the width and height attributes of the applet tags.

Both width and height attributes are set to "100%".

What do you mean by "does not fully display" - is there an empty area where the lower half of the applet should be, or is the applet's area actually smaller than what you specify in the height attribute?

"does not fully display" means it only displayed the upper half of the applet, the lower half appeared to be blank (in gray, actually).

Please advice?

16 years ago
Hi All,

I have a strange problem with my applet, it sometimes does not fully display (Only display half or 1/3 of its height).

I tried to add setBounds and setSize calls, I even called to resize using Javascript but the applet still does not display full height. It's strange that if I manually resize the browser window containing the applet, then it displays correctly.

I use JRE_1.5.0_15.

Please advice?

16 years ago
Hi All,

I have an applet with both WIDTH and HEIGHT = 100% as parameters. It works OK in previous JRE versions.
But when I upgraded to JRE 1.5.0_15, I saw strange issue: The applet height sometimes did not stretch full browser height, it looked as if the applet corrupted. I added some debug code to init() and start() events the applet and found that the getBounds().height returned different values; sometimes correct value (browser's height), sometimes not.

Anyone encountered the same issue? Do you have any solution or advice?

16 years ago
Hi All,

My application uses IAIK decryptSymmetricKey to decrypt for encrypted SMIME incoming messages. The mail box is Notes mail database, after the message arrives, the encrypted content is detached to a folder on Hard Drive and we use following code to decrypt the detached file:

(I'm using JavaMail package for Domino 6 - 1.1.x or 1.2.x version, I think. Domino 6 still use JRE 1.3.)

It worked OK with incoming messages with no attachment or small-sized attachments but if the incoming message includes large attachments (e.g. 2-3 Meg Dll files), it threw exceptions:

If I remove this line of code: Object o = enContent.getContent(); it works OK and no exception throws.

I've tried to upgrade to to IAIK-CMS with S/MIMEv3 but no luck. It's OK with small-sized eveloped dump, with large-sized, it threw exception:

Please help to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
[ February 26, 2006: Message edited by: Chinh Tran Nam ]
18 years ago
Hello All,

I have an applet designed to work in Microsoft JVM. It is slow and sometimes crashes the browser and I doubted that it caused memory leak. Therefore, I wish to have a profiling tool which can collect time and memory consumption from Microsoft JVM.

Please advice.
Hi All,

I install Entrust on my server, on every server reboot, it asks for password to login to Entrust.
Entrust documentation says that there is an API in their Java toolkit to allow server login but does not give enough information on where/how to apply.

Anyone experiences this issue please advice:

- Can we use Server Login feature to login to Entrust (something like password auto-insertion?) when the server rebooted?

- If yes, how can we do that?, do we need to write a service which will started when system startup to implement server login?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your answer.

I don't think it has anything to do with classpath. My applet worked, it only crashes sometime.

I think that when we use Liveconnect to invoke a javascript, it will start a Thread and this thread will not terminate that causes IE crashes.

What do you think?
19 years ago
Hello All,

My IE has JRE 1.3 plugin and running an application with applets. One of these applets uses netscape.javascript.JSObject to invoke Javascript functions.
My IE sporadically crashed and a log file created on my local drive, it says:

I googled for it but few, unclear answers found.

Please help.
19 years ago
Thanks All,

I found this library from SourceForge. It works fairly good; however, there is still a problem parsing duplicate tags (e.g more than one <style> blocks in a html document).
19 years ago
Hi All,

I'm looking for sample codes which remove all html tags from a html document and return plain-text content only. That codes should replace <br> or tags with "\n".
Please help.

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
Hi All,

For secured emailing purpose, we have to assign each user a certificate. My question is if we can use a common certificate for more than one users?
If yes, what kind of certificate is it?

Thanks in advance.

I use Entrust toolkit for sending encrypted messages. I wroted a sample
application and it worked on IDE runtime environment. However, it failed
when I migrated to servlet and here is the code statement that caused the

The exception it threw was: java.lang.NullPointerException

Please advice?


Anyone knows the way to convert from a "" certificate to a "iaik.x509.X509Certificate" one. Please advice?

Thanks in advance.