Dee Irun

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since Nov 13, 2004
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I'm trying to convert a Calendar object from one timeZone to another and couldn't succeed. This is what I'm trying to do:

In the above code, the startDate is initially 1/27/06, 5.00 am GMT and I want this to be 1/27/06, 5.00 am PST (since the local time is PST), how ever it is not so. Any idea how to achieve this?

17 years ago
I forgot adding another question... does the certificate show the pass percentage/score on it?
19 years ago
Happy New Year All!

I passed SCJP 1.4 with 85% on last friday (Dec 30th). I actually wanted to take SCJP 5.0, but my voucher was expiring so went ahead with 1.4. The only book I've used for my preparation is that of Kathy & Bert's. I actually did not get time to do mock exams, but still could get a decent score. I would however like to take the upgrade exam for SCJP 5.0 (310-056) for better understanding of the new Java concepts. Did anyone take this exam already? If so, any suggestions regarding preparation are welcome.

Also how do I find out as when would I get the certificate from Sun?

19 years ago

I could do only 2 K&B mock exams(82% & 87%),1 whizlabs exam(72%),3 Marcus exams( 78-86%).I think k&bs mock exams are close.

Can someone tell me where can I take K&B exams???

Thanks Much,
19 years ago

If you do not provide a target that implements run(), then Thread's run() will be executed.

public class Thread
extends Object
implements Runnable

void run()
If this thread was constructed using a separate Runnable run object, then that Runnable object's run method is called; otherwise, this method does nothing and returns.

In my code I have both extended the Thread object and implemented Runnable interface. Does it mean that I have overridden the run() method of Thread class and implemented run() method for Runnable interface too??
I was trying to run the following code:

when I compile and run this program, the following is the output

Thread name is: t
Thread name is: t1

t2 does not execute the provided run() method and this could be because the run method is part of the Runnable class (or is it not?). I also extended the Thread class here.. now my question is.. Does run() method overridde the Thread class's run method? If yes, why does not t2 print the output and if not how can I make t2 run any code?

Thanks all for your replies!
"A method marked private and/or final cannot be overidden in a subclass". I have few questions regarding this statement. Let's say I have a method doNotOverride() in my superclass which is marked private and final. Then, I write a method with the same signature, except it is not final in my subclass. Well, this compiles fine, and as I understand, it is not an overridden method, rather just a method in subclass with the same signature. Now, if I have the same method doNotOverride() in my superclass marked public and final instead, and have a method with the same signature in my subclass, I get this compiler error saying "cannot override method. overridden method is final". I still am trying to do the same thing as I did in the previous case, not overriding, but having a method with the same signature in subclass. Why did the compiler complain in the latter case (public final) and not in the former (private final)? Any replies are appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks so much!
This is a stmt from K&B book...

If an else statement is used and the expression evaluates to false, then the code following the else will be performed. If the else is not used, then none of the code associated with the if statement will execute.

I thought single if statements do work properly in Java. Am I wrong or does every if statment require an else attached with it?


i think GRE has that adaptive sort of questions i think they call it ETS

shandilya, ETS is Educational Testing Service, it's not an examination, rather it is a non-profit organization that conducts various examinations.
Yes. Assertions have been added to JDK 1.4. Please check the latest tutorial on Java
Congrats Kartik! So how did you prepare? Could you please name the books you followed and the mock exams you did, if any?


The Test9(int) constructor begins with an implicit super() call, which goes to constructor Base().

Test9(int) is an overloaded constructor which should be calling it's superclass constructor, which is Base(int), which apparently is not present in the given code. Is this not the one actually causing error?